Category: OSM
Introducing ohsomeNow stats: Real-Time Monitoring for OpenStreetMap Contributions
You can now monitor contributions to OpenStreetMap (OSM) in real time with ohsomeNow stats! We developed this new dashboard as part of our long-term cooperation with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), an international organization dedicated to humanitarian action and community development through open mapping. This dashboard replaces the Missing Maps Leaderboard with a comprehensive overview of…
Integration of OQT into the ohsome dashboard: Computing data quality metrics for OpenStreetMap
The ohsome dashboard has been and continues to be an easy access point to generate accurate statistics about the historical development of OpenStreetMap data for arbitrary regions. Now, the ohsome dashboard got extended to be able to compute data quality metrics for OpenStreetMap through the ohsome quality analyst (OQT) which is also developed by HeiGIT. The source code is now…
OSM Element Vectorisation Tool Version 1
The IDEAL-VGI research project is nearing its end. And while that won’t be the end of our research into social data sources, data quality analyses and land-use information, we are happy to announce a major outcome: the version 1 release of the OSM Element Vectorisation Tool (OEV). The tool was first presented to the public…
2022 #30DayMapChallenge Round-Up Part 2: Deleted Maps
Featured photo: The deleted map displays all deleted elements within the analyzed areas (red). Gray rectangles represent deleted buildings. This past November, our teams at HeiGIT and GIScience participated in Topi Tjukanov’s Twitter event #30DayMapChallenge, where mappers display their creativity and ingenuity with a set of 30 daily prompts ranging from colors to specific datasets…
How to become ohsome part 15- Analysing Changes in OSM after the Earthquake in Syria and Türkiye in February 2023
Featured Map: Percent change in each province of Türkiye and Syria of buildings in OSM. Data from OpenStreetMap, visualized using QGIS and the ohsome API plugin. Welcome back to the how to become ohsome series! If you’re new to the series, you can check out the previous issues (like this one) or the ohsome Region of…
New Paper: Carbon Fluxes Related to Land Use and Land Cover Change in Baden-Württemberg
Featured Image: Figure 1. Total carbon fluxes related to LULCC in Baden-Württemberg between March 2018 and October 2019 (LaVerDi, OSMlanduse+), and March 2018 and March 2020 (OSMlanduse, OSMlanduse cleaned). The upper plot shows the relative difference of carbon fluxes [%] with respect to LULC transition and carbon flux attribution method. The carbon fluxes of method…
Activation of the Disaster Portal for the earthquake in Türkiye/Syria
During catastrophic events such as the recent Türkiye/Syria earthquake, the road infrastructure in the affected area is often widely interrupted and accessibility varies over time. Inspite of this, it is imperative to quickly provide assistance to the affected people. Humanitarian Organizations need real-time information for force and logistics planning: Which roads are still passable? How…
Disaster openrouteservice to support the current response efforts to the Türkiye/Syria earthquake
On February 6, a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck southern Türkiye at 4:17 a.m. This is Türkiye’s most powerful earthquake recorded since 1939. The Government of Türkiye has since issued a Level 4 alarm, calling for international assistance. The quake also heavily impacted north-west Syria, a region where 4.1 million people depend on humanitarian assistance already…
GIScience Postdoc/Senior Researcher Opportunity for OpenStreetMap Road Quality Analysis
If you’re on the job market or know someone who is, check out this exciting new opening from our partners at GIScience. The offer is included as text below. You are interested in enhancing methods for analyzing & improving OpenStreetMap data? You are an experienced Spatial Data Scientist innovating geoinformatics methods & workflows? You have…
Assessing road criticality and loss of healthcare accessibility during floods: the case of Cyclone Idai, Mozambique 2019
Featured Image: Road network analysis for the driving profiles. A Normal conditions before the flood event. B Evolution of scores after the floods induced by Cyclone Idai. The lower row shows a close-up of the area surrounding the city of Dondo The ability of disaster response, preparedness, and mitigation efforts to assess the loss of physical access to health…
OSHDB Version 1.0 Has Arrived
Featured Photo: Ohsome dashboard interface for Heidelberg, Germany. In the words of Confucius, “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” As we release OSHDB (OpenStreetMap History Database) Version 1.0, we look back at versions 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and all the other small improvements to our historical OpenStreetMap database as the…
How to become ohsome part 14 – Advanced dashboarding
Hello again and welcome back to our “How to become ohsome” series where we demonstrate how you too can become ohsome with ohsome API! If you’re new to the series or need a refresher, check out the older installments in our series, like this or this one covering the various ways of accessing ohsome API. And now to our…