Tag: HOT

  • MapSwipe wins Global Mobile Award for the Best Mobile Innovation Supporting Emergency or Humanitarian Situations

    This week, at the prestigious GSMA MWC series (formally known as Mobile World Congress) MapSwipe was awarded the top prize in the Global Mobile Awards’ category for the Best Mobile Innovation Supporting Emergency or Humanitarian Situations. The award recognizes how mobile connectivity can provide a lifeline in major humanitarian disasters, providing access to critical information and…

  • Marcel Reinmuth: Talk about internship at Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Uganda

    GIScience HD/HeiGIT sind seit geraumer Zeit Partner des Humanitarian Open StreetMap Team (HOT) und arbeiten an gemeinsamen Projekten zur Verbesserung von Geoinformationstechnologien und der Verfügbarkeit von Geodaten (insb. OpenStreetMap) für humanitäre Einsätze, insbesondere im globalen Süden, z.B. über die Missing Maps Initiative. Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung Geographie in verschiedenen Berufsfeldern des Geographischen Instituts berichtet Marcel Reinmuth aus…

  • Standortübergreifender Mapathon im Rahmen der Geography Awareness Week

    im Rahmen der Geography Awareness Week laden die Geographie-Fachschaften der Standorte Göttingen, Hannover, Würzburg und Heidelberg und die disastermappers heidelberg herzlich zum standortübergreifenden Mapathon ein! An diesem Mapathon werden wir gemeinschaftlich mit Hilfe von OpenStreetMap und fernerkundlichen Methoden neue Kartendaten für vernachlässigte Krisenregionen erstellen und somit humanitäre Hilfsorganisationen in ihrer Arbeit unterstützen. Welches Gebiet genau…

  • Tools for Disaster Risk Reduction by HeiGIT – Celebrating the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

    Today we celebrate the International Day for #DisasterRiskReduction. HeiGIT offers a growing set of tools and services that support humanitarian aid during and before disasters. Examples include work in the context of the Missing Maps initiative, like conceptualising and extending microtasking apps like MapSwipe, as well as services for analysing MapSwipe data and making it…

  • OpenStreetMap (OSM) Workshop at the University of Jena

    Last week, GIScience Heidelberg successfully held two collaborative workshops about OpenStreetMap (OSM) at the Department of Earth Observation in Jena. Dr. Chistian Thiel and his team from the University of Jena kindly organized the event. Three members of the GIScience Research Group and the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT), Dr. Michael Schultz, Benjamin Herfort…

  • MapSwipe for Change Detection Analysis

    The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) , the Heidelberg Institute of Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) , and the wider MapSwipe Community started working on an MapSwipe extension to monitor changes in satellite imagery. The goal of the two-month project is to extend the app with new functionalities that would allow the users to compare two satellite images…

  • GIScience / HeiGIT at ICT for Development, Kampala – Usage and Analyses of OpenStreetMap for Development

    The 11th Information Communications Technology for Development (ICT4D) Conference brings together hundreds of public, private and civil society organizations, eager to share practical insights on applying digital technology to development, humanitarian, and conservation challenges. Participants share how they are using innovations in information and communications technology to increase impact in addressing humanitarian and development challenges.…

  • The influence of the OSM mappers’ cultural backgrounds on their mapping behavior

    In order to analyze the quality of OSM data, a study at GIScience Heidelberg investigated the influence of the mappers’ cultural backgrounds on their mapping behavior and hence questioned the general validity of semantic (street) classifications in OSM. Nepal was hit by a series of earthquakes in April 2015. The OSM community quickly reacted by…

  • Over 50 Open Source GIScience Repositories on GitHub

    The GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University and the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) are happy to share the their GIScience github repository contains now already over 50 open source repositories and it’s still growing. These contain results from several research projects and in particular also some very active long term activities. Most of the tools…

  • GeOnG Conference 2018: Workshop Materials and Slides

    After the successful GeOnG conference 2018 in chambery we want to thank the organizers and all participants. We contributed in several ways, as already highlighed in our previous blogpost. Now, we also want to share our slides and workshop material with everyone interested. Round table discussion: Machine Learning, AI & satellite imagery: what impact on…

  • Missing Maps Gathering, FOSS4G and HOT Summit 2018 in Dar es Salaam

    As previously announced, Sabrina Marx and Melanie Eckle recently visited Dar es Salaam to attend the Missing Maps Members Gathering and to join the FOSS4G and HOT Summit community for their joint annual gatherings. The Missing Maps Members Gathering was the first side event of the conference week. Likewise to previous years, the Missing Maps…

  • OpenStreetMap Analytics Development for OpenCities Africa

    Recently a consultancy and development agreement about OpenStreetMap Analytics Development has been reached with the World Bank in the context of the Open Cities Africa project and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) Open Data for Resilience Initiative (OpenDRI). The main objective of this consultancy is to develop and implement new functionalities for…