Category: Research
How to become ohsome part 15- Analysing Changes in OSM after the Earthquake in Syria and Türkiye in February 2023
Featured Map: Percent change in each province of Türkiye and Syria of buildings in OSM. Data from OpenStreetMap, visualized using QGIS and the ohsome API plugin. Welcome back to the how to become ohsome series! If you’re new to the series, you can check out the previous issues (like this one) or the ohsome Region of…
GeoEpi at CGA 2023: From Geospatial Research to Health Solutions
Featured photo: The geoEpi team attending CGA 2023. Back row from left: PD Dr. med. Thomas Jaenisch, Assoz. Prof. Dr. Bernd Resch, Dorian Arifi and Steffen Knoblauch. Front row from left: Dr. rer. nat. Ivonne Morales Benavides, Apl. Prof. Dr. Sven Lautenbach, and Dr. Yannik Roell. Ever since Dr. John Snow’s 1854 tracing of a…
New Paper: Carbon Fluxes Related to Land Use and Land Cover Change in Baden-Württemberg
Featured Image: Figure 1. Total carbon fluxes related to LULCC in Baden-Württemberg between March 2018 and October 2019 (LaVerDi, OSMlanduse+), and March 2018 and March 2020 (OSMlanduse, OSMlanduse cleaned). The upper plot shows the relative difference of carbon fluxes [%] with respect to LULC transition and carbon flux attribution method. The carbon fluxes of method…
Introducing the VirtuaLearn3D Project
With VirtuaLearn3D (Virtual Laser Scanning for Machine Learning Algorithms in Geographic 3D Point Cloud Analysis), a new project of the 3DGeo group has started. The focus of this project is to enable powerful machine learning algorithms for geographic point cloud analysis by advancing the concept of virtual laser scanning to overcome the lack of training…
CharAct4D – Unravelling Landscape Dynamics via Automatic Characterization of Surface Activity using Geographic 4D Monitoring
With her new project CharAct4D Dr. Katharina Anders has become part of the Eliteprogramme for Postdocs of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, which supports early career researchers to qualify for a professorship -check the related press release by Heidelberg University. Many congratulations, Katharina! Katharina’s research interests in the 3DGeo research group are method development for 3D/4D change analysis…
Functionality Update for OSM Landuse Landcover
We are pleased to announce that has received a functionality update. Thanks to the cooperation of GIScience and HeiGIT under the IDEAL-VGI project, our researchers were able to add a number of new features to the interactive map. The map displays OSM land-use and land-cover information. The two different data layers that made up…
Activation of the Disaster Portal for the earthquake in Türkiye/Syria
During catastrophic events such as the recent Türkiye/Syria earthquake, the road infrastructure in the affected area is often widely interrupted and accessibility varies over time. Inspite of this, it is imperative to quickly provide assistance to the affected people. Humanitarian Organizations need real-time information for force and logistics planning: Which roads are still passable? How…
Disaster openrouteservice to support the current response efforts to the Türkiye/Syria earthquake
On February 6, a 7.7 magnitude earthquake struck southern Türkiye at 4:17 a.m. This is Türkiye’s most powerful earthquake recorded since 1939. The Government of Türkiye has since issued a Level 4 alarm, calling for international assistance. The quake also heavily impacted north-west Syria, a region where 4.1 million people depend on humanitarian assistance already…
Data publication: Point clouds of snow-on and snow-off forest site
A new dataset of UAV and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds of snow-on and snow-off conditions at a Black Forest site (Hundseck, 48.643°N, 8.228°E) was published open access: Winiwarter, L., Anders, K., Battuvshin, G., Menzel, L. & Höfle, B. (2023): UAV laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds of snow-on and snow-off conditions of…
GIScience Postdoc/Senior Researcher Opportunity for OpenStreetMap Road Quality Analysis
If you’re on the job market or know someone who is, check out this exciting new opening from our partners at GIScience. The offer is included as text below. You are interested in enhancing methods for analyzing & improving OpenStreetMap data? You are an experienced Spatial Data Scientist innovating geoinformatics methods & workflows? You have…
Assessing road criticality and loss of healthcare accessibility during floods: the case of Cyclone Idai, Mozambique 2019
Featured Image: Road network analysis for the driving profiles. A Normal conditions before the flood event. B Evolution of scores after the floods induced by Cyclone Idai. The lower row shows a close-up of the area surrounding the city of Dondo The ability of disaster response, preparedness, and mitigation efforts to assess the loss of physical access to health…
New paper on the automatic characterization of surface activities from 4D point clouds
An approach for automatic characterization of surface activities from large 4D point clouds is presented in a new paper by Daan Hulskemper et al. in collaboration between the 3DGeo research group and the departments of Geoscience and Remote Sensing and Coastal Engineering at TU Delft. Hulskemper, D., Anders, K., Antolínez, J. A. Á., Kuschnerus, M.,…