Category: Allgemein
OSM Element Vectorisation Tool Version 1
The IDEAL-VGI research project is nearing its end. And while that won’t be the end of our research into social data sources, data quality analyses and land-use information, we are happy to announce a major outcome: the version 1 release of the OSM Element Vectorisation Tool (OEV). The tool was first presented to the public…
Öffentlicher Vortrag am 16. Mai: Klimawandel, Mobilität und das steigende Risiko von Infektionskrankheiten in Deutschland
Am Dienstag, den 16. Mai, werden die Besuchenden des öffentlichen Vortrags “Klimawandel und Infektionskrankheiten in Bezug auf Gesundheitswesen und Mobilität” Einblicke von fünf Experten erhalten, die derzeit Pionierarbeit bei der Erforschung einer der größten Bedrohungen für die öffentliche Gesundheit in Deutschland leisten. Die Veranstaltung findet in deutscher und englischer Sprache im Mathematik-Hörsaal im Erdgeschoss des…
Introducing the VirtuaLearn3D Project
With VirtuaLearn3D (Virtual Laser Scanning for Machine Learning Algorithms in Geographic 3D Point Cloud Analysis), a new project of the 3DGeo group has started. The focus of this project is to enable powerful machine learning algorithms for geographic point cloud analysis by advancing the concept of virtual laser scanning to overcome the lack of training…
Private Vehicles Greenhouse Gas Emission Estimation at Street Level for Berlin Based on Open Data
Since the transportation sector is one of the major greenhouse gas (GHG) emitters that has not seen significant emission reductions in the last decades, it requires special attention from policymakers. However, estimations of traffic emissions often rely on huge amounts of actual traffic data whose availability is limited. Therefore, Ulrich et al. now propose an…
Assessing Completeness of OpenStreetMap Building Footprints Using MapSwipe
Natural hazards threaten millions of people all over the world. To address this risk, exposure and vulnerability models with high resolution data are essential. However, in many areas of the world, exposure models are rather coarse and are aggregated over large areas. Although OpenStreetMap (OSM) offers great potential to assess risk at a detailed building-by-building…
CharAct4D – Unravelling Landscape Dynamics via Automatic Characterization of Surface Activity using Geographic 4D Monitoring
With her new project CharAct4D Dr. Katharina Anders has become part of the Eliteprogramme for Postdocs of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, which supports early career researchers to qualify for a professorship -check the related press release by Heidelberg University. Many congratulations, Katharina! Katharina’s research interests in the 3DGeo research group are method development for 3D/4D change analysis…
HeiGIT’s contributions to the 2nd UN Maps Conference
The United Nations Maps program, created in 2019, held its 2nd UN Maps Conference, this time in Valencia, Spain. Prof. Alexander Zipf of HeiGIT and the GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University and Benjamin Herfort of HeiGIT attended the conference to talk about “Open Ecosystems in Practice”, “Partnerships and Cooperation with Academia” and how to “build better…
Launch: A New Online Mapping Application Helps UndercoverEisAgenten on the Trail of Permafrost
The UndercoverEisAgenten team have developed a new online mapping application to monitor permafrost thaw. From now on, interested citizen scientists can directly contribute online to collect reliable and up-to-date data on the thawing of Arctic permafrost landscapes- and thus improve the basis for climate predictions. The Arctic is warming about twice as fast as the…
Functionality Update for OSM Landuse Landcover
We are pleased to announce that has received a functionality update. Thanks to the cooperation of GIScience and HeiGIT under the IDEAL-VGI project, our researchers were able to add a number of new features to the interactive map. The map displays OSM land-use and land-cover information. The two different data layers that made up…
HeiGIT and GIScience Contributions to Last Year’s Conference-athon
With a new year of papers, workshops, and publications ahead of us, the team at GISciene and HeiGIT are looking back and building on the many contributions to last year’s conferences. During the previous summer’s FOSS-Community “conference-athon” in Florence, when QGIS-Meeting, State of the Map, HOT unSummit and FOSS4G all occurred in the same short span,…
Activation of the Disaster Portal for the earthquake in Türkiye/Syria
During catastrophic events such as the recent Türkiye/Syria earthquake, the road infrastructure in the affected area is often widely interrupted and accessibility varies over time. Inspite of this, it is imperative to quickly provide assistance to the affected people. Humanitarian Organizations need real-time information for force and logistics planning: Which roads are still passable? How…
HeiGIT to hold hands-on workshop about OSM data quality at FOSSGIS Berlin 15.-18.03.2023
HeiGIT will present its software “ohsome quality analyst” (OQT) at the FOSSGIS Conference in Berlin this week. In the demo session, Benjamin Herfort will show the numerous possibilities of the tool and how everyone can use OQT to evaluate completeness, level of detail, currentness and more in just a few steps. Join him on Thursday…