Tag: WebGL

  • Successfull PhD defence by Michael Auer on 3D WebGIS

    Last month Dr. Michael Auer successfully defended his PhD on Advancing 3D WebGIS – browser-based Methods for Visualization and Analysis and their Integration in Virtual Research Environments in the Context of Cultural Heritage . We congratulate cordially! We are happy to have Michael with us as in the Big Spatial Data Analytics team of HeiGIT…

  • Stellenauschreibung GeoWeb verlängert

    Reminder: Stellenausschreibung: Forschung & Entwicklung im Bereich GeoWeb 2.0 / WebGIS / VGI – Deadline extended until position filled http://giscienceblog.uni-hd.de/2015/12/09/stellenausschreibung-forschung-entwicklung-im-bereich-webgis-geoweb-20/

  • New Open-Source 3D WebGIS API GIScene.js released

    Easily visualize your 3D data on the web using up-to-date web technologies without additional plug-ins. The GIScene.js framework is easy to use and extendable. Based on the famous Three.js API, it introduces GIS concepts like Layers, Controls, Coordinates, Projections and more. If you are familiar with the web mapping library OpenLayers you will find this…

  • Stellenausschreibung: Forschung & Entwicklung im Bereich WebGIS / GeoWeb 2.0

    Stellenausschreibung: Wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter/-in Geoinformatik (100%); Universität Heidelberg Forschung & Entwicklung im Bereich WebGIS / GeoWeb 2.0 In der Abteilung Geoinformatik der Universität Heidelberg ist baldmöglichst eine Stelle für eine(n) erfahrene(n) wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter/-in (100%) zu besetzen. Die Aufgaben umfassen v.a. die Mitarbeit in Forschungsprojekten und die Entwicklung von innovativen Web-basierten Geo-Diensten. Die relevanten Aufgaben beinhalten insbesondere…

  • 3D-WebGIS for Archeology – the example of MayaArch3D

    Archaeological projects increasingly collect airborne LiDAR data to use as a remote sensing tool for survey and analysis. Publication possibilities for LiDAR datasets, however, are limited due to the large size and often proprietary nature of the data. Fortunately, web-based, geographic information systems (WebGIS) that can securely manage temporal and spatial data hold great promise…

  • Talk ‘3D Geodata – Background and Application’ given at Heidelberg University of Education.

    At Thursday, 2nd of July, Martin Hämmerle from the GIScience LiDAR Research Group gave a talk at the Geography colloquium series of the Heidelberg University of Education. Entitled ‘3D Geodata – Background and Application’, the talk introduced basics about 3D geodata and gave a broad overview to research projects of the chair of GIScience. The…

  • Extracting raw GPS data from OpenStreetMap – an LGPL tool

    We are happy to announce that a new JAVA-based tool is available that allows extracting raw GPS data from the OpenStreetMap GPS planet file. The tool is under LGPL license. It allows to specify a bounding box and to export the extracted data to 3D-Shapefiles. Besides the full GPS planet file there are also regional…

  • Visualising GPS data from OpenStreetMap using WebGL

    GPS data uploaded to the OpenStreetMap servers is a popular example of what is called Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI). The data has been (and is still) collected by the project contributors primarily to support mapping. As the inclusion of roads and paths in the map is a major goal of the project, the collected GPS…

  • MayaArch3D @ SFB933/HCCH Joint Workshop

    The GIScience Reserarch Group Heidelberg contributed to the workshop „Aktuelle Formen der Präsentation und Edition beschrifteter Artefakte“ through a presentation about the joint project MayaArch3D which was given by Lukas Loos. The workshop took place at the International Science Forum Heidelberg and was jointly organized by the DFG SFB 933 „Materiale Textkulturen“ and the Heidelberg…

  • Twitter Point Clouds

    Not just LiDAR sensors, but also social media sources produce point clouds. We compiled two new visualisations showing spatiotemporal Twitter Tweet locations. One of them is centered at Maracanã stadium during the football world cup 2014. The point cloud allows seeing various games that appear in the form of pronounced discs. In the centre of…

  • LVISA release: plotting out of the map

    The LIDAR Research Group (LRG) present a new release of LVISA: plotting out of the map. Besides the 3D presentation of a selected tree, plots with respect to feature statistic as well as the comparison to corresponding tree species, family and class are now also available. Who has not heard of LVISA: LVISA is a…

  • New Release of LVISA – Exploring 3D Point Clouds of Trees in the Web

    The LIDAR Research Group (LRG) released LVISA – a novel system for analyzing point clouds of vegetation. This system examplifies a web-based laser scanning database for the management and analysis of tree reference signatures. It combines techniques and methods of LiDAR and 3D GIScience. We present a new release of LVISA including re-designed and re-implemented…