Tag: WebGL

  • New Video: Geography meets 3D High-Tech at the University of Heidelberg

    The students of this year’s LiDAR course “HydroChange 2013” present their research project on a multi-media website including a film documentary of their field work. Enjoy Geography meeting 3D High-Tech!

  • First MayaArch3D Status Workshop in Heidelberg

    This Monday and Tuesday the first yearly Status Workshop within the collaborative BMBF Project MayaArch3D “A Web-based 3D-GIS for the Analysis of the Archaeology of Copan, Honduras” has taken place at Heidelberg University with the team members from the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg, the German Archeological Institute (DAI) and the Foundacio Bruno Kessler (FBK). The…

  • PostDoc Position 3D WebGIS

    The GIScience Research Group offers a PostDoc position on Web-based 3D-GIS: All Information..