Tag: 3DGEO
Open Data: Multi-platform point clouds and orthophotos of the inland dune in Sandhausen
The commune Sandhausen (Baden-Württemberg) got its name from the inland dune, which is located in the area of the village. In 2021 and 2022, the 3DGeo group of Heidelberg University conducted UAV-based and ground-based surveys of three areas of the inland dune of Sandhausen to acquire 3D point clouds and orthophotos. The dataset is freely and…
Continued multisource 3D point cloud acquisition at the AHK rock glacier
While the impacts of global warming and current heat waves on glaciated areas have been in the focus of media reporting in recent weeks, also the dynamics of rock glaciers as part of the periglacial environment are strongly affected by changing climate. Rock glaciers are creep phenomena of mountain permafrost and an integral part of…
Data description paper: Individual tree point clouds and tree measurements from multi-platform laser scanning in German forests
New data description paper on our tree point cloud dataset was just published Today, our data description paper was published in the open access Journal Earth System Science Data: Weiser, H., Schäfer, J., Winiwarter, L., Krašovec, N., Fassnacht, F. E., and Höfle, B. (2022): Individual tree point clouds and tree measurements from multi-platform laser scanning…
3DGeo contributions to ISPRS Congress 2022 now online
From 5 June – 11 June 2022 the ISPRS Congress took place in Nice, France. The 3DGeo research group had three paper contributions which can now be found online: (1) Virtual Laser Scanning of Dynamic Scenes Created From Real 4D Topographic Point Cloud Data. Find all details in the video (link) and paper and check…
Praktikum Scientific Software Development
Die 3DGeo Forschungsgruppe (https://uni-heidelberg.de/3dgeo) der Abteilung Geoinformatik an der Universität Heidelberg sucht eine qualifizierte und motivierte Person für ein Praktikum als Scientific Software Developer*in (w/m/d) für einen Zeitraum von 3 bis 6 Monaten als stud./wiss. Hilfskraft. Im Anschluss besteht generell die Möglichkeit der Verlängerung oder die Bewerbung auf eine Stelle als wiss. Mitarbeiter*in (w/m/d). Die 3DGeo-Forschung…
New paper on “improving change analysis with full temporal information”
In recently published work, we show how change analysis from near-continuous 3D time series improves by considering full temporal information. How can it be done? Using 4D objects-by-change! The method was applied to an hourly time series of terrestrial laser scans acquired for snow cover monitoring. In the snow-covered scene at the Zugspitze ski resort,…
RAUM & ZEIT: Unter Beobachtung – Umweltmodelle in 4D
Was für Forschung und Ziele stecken denn hinter dieser Abbildung? In einem aktuellen Beitrag in der Zeitschrift Ruperto Carola erläutert Professor Höfle stellvertretend für die gesamte 3DGeo Heidelberg Forschungsgruppe, was Umweltbeobachtung in 4D bedeutet und hebt die Bedeutung von Open Science – Open Source – Open Access hervor: ABSTRACT: Rund um die Uhr beobachten Laserscanner…
Einführung in die Laserscanning-Simulationssoftware HELIOS++ bei der FOSSGIS Konferenz 2022
Vom 9. bis zum 12. März 2022 findet die jährliche FOSSGIS Konferenz statt, die führende Konferenz für Freie und Open Source Software für Geoinformationssysteme und Open Data im deutschsprachigen Raum. Im Themenbereich 3D und LiDAR wird die 3DGeo Gruppe mit Beiträgen zur Open Source Software HELIOS++ vertreten sein, die der Simulation von Laserscanning dient. Am Freitag,…
Last chance for application: Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research
Registration for our Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2022 has been extended until 28 February 2022. If you want to learn innovative practical and methodological skills to characterize complex terrain and object features using close-range and remote sensing techniques – use this chance to apply now! All details regarding learning objectives, keynote speakers, contents…
Nina Krašovec wins Nahtigal Award 2021
This week on 29 November, it was announced that our team member Nina Krašovec received Nahtigal Award from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana (UL) for her master’s thesis “Detection of standing dead trees using leaf-on and leaf-off UAV-borne laser scanning point cloud data in mixed forests”. The research was conducted under…
Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2022 – Registration now open
Registration for our Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2022 is now open (until 15 January 2022). If you want to learn innovative practical and methodological skills to characterize complex terrain and object features using close-range and remote sensing techniques – apply now! The Summer School in the Ötztal Alps in Austria will be the…
Successful PhD defense of Katharina Anders
On Tuesday, 16 November 2021, Dr Katharina Anders defended her PhD research with great success. In her dissertation, Katharina developed methods on 4D change analysis to extract natural surface changes from near-continuous LiDAR time series of dynamic landscapes. Congratulations, Katharina, for this excellent research – we are very proud to have you in our team…