Category: Services
Our OSM-based maps continue to advance in popularity
Last year we announced about a significant update of our OSM-based maps provided by the web map tile service OpenMapSurfer. Since that time we made a big progress in improving the overall performance of the service, added a lot of missing map elements (e.g. archaeological sites, waterfalls, highway milestones, building entrances, etc.) and noticeably enhanced…
Eine Nachlese zur Fachtagung: Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement
Am 17. Oktober 2013 fand im Studio der Villa Bosch in Heidelberg die Fachtagung „Web 2.0 und Social Media in Katastrophenschutz und Hochwassermanagement“ statt. Die Veranstaltung konnte nicht zuletzt durch die großzügige Unterstützung der Klaus-Tschira-Stiftung und dem HochwasserKompetenzCentrum (HKC) mit Erfolg und den Rückmeldungen zufolge zur Zufriedenheit der Teilnehmer durchgeführt werden. Sie wurde gemeinsam von…
More than 100 Million Buildings in OpenStreetMap
and therefore also in Just before Christmas the number of building footprints hit the magical number of 100.000.000. “Building” has been for some time now the most frequently used tag defining a map feature in OpenStreetMap. We use the building footprints from OSM to generate an automatically updated special database of 3D buildings displayed…
New WebPortals by GeoNet.MRN – Network, Energy Atlas, etc.
Our “Network Geoinformation of the Metropole Region Rhine-Neckar” has a new updated Web Portal at Also the first prototype of the interactive Web-based Energy Atlas for the Metropole Region Rhein-Neckar went online already some time ago. Recently our Master Student Sabrina Helsper has developed a Atlas on thermal energy for all of Germany…
Damaged buildings from OSM and Instagram images added to Philipines CrisisMap
In addition to the map layers showing population density elements at risk as explained below we added new map layers displaying damaged buildings and impassable roads (OSM) as well as geolocated images from Instagram to our crisismap at The data is updated regularily. Thanks to all contributors! please be patient for the buildings layer…
WebMapping for Disaster Relief after Typhoon Yolanda
In order to support the disaster management activities after the typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan a new WebSite has been set up by GIScience Heidelberg that visualizes the new map layers described earlier: the “Elements at Risk” and “Population Distribution” for the Philipines. Further it adds a currently less populated Flickr layer and a storm surge layer…
Population distribution and Elements at Risk layers for Philippines now available
Knowing where people in need could be in a crisis situation is as crucial as it is difficult. Sometimes the difficulty is just not having a convenient way to display or access extant datasources.As a service to the crisis mappers we supply a Tile Service showing the residential population distribution in the Philipines in 90m…
OSM Response to Typhoon Haiyan
An new interactive visualization by our colleague Pascal Neis shows the latest changes to the OpenStreetMap database in the Philippines. This can help to identify areas where the OSM crisis mapper community is already activen and those where further contibutions are needed. Only OSM changesets in the Philippines and some parts of the Vietnam coast…
OpenMapSurfer is OSM Image of the Week
A map rendering with hillshading by is currently the OSM Image of the Week. It is featured on this weeks OpenStreetMap Wiki main page. Congratulations to our team member Maxim Rylov! The images shows the OpenMapSurfer Layer: “OSM Roads (new)” with “ASTER GDEM & SRTM Hillshade (experimental)” overlay. The region displayed is in Greece.…
Polish Version of OpenRouteService is available
Thanks to the help of the OpenRouteService user community we can offer a new version of OpenRouteService including Polish Web site as well as route instructions. A wide range of languages for route instructions is already available and you can add even more. You can change the settings on the “options” page. Thanks to Carina…
About identifying man-made objects from mobile LiDAR data
A new automated approach for the detection and classification of man-made objects in urban corridors from point clouds acquired by vehicle-borne Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) has recently been suggested by Fan and Yao. The approach is designed based on a-priori knowledge in urban areas: (i) man-made objects feature geometric regularity like vertical planar structures (e.g.…