More than 100 Million Buildings in OpenStreetMap

and therefore also in Just before Christmas the number of building footprints hit the magical number of 100.000.000. “Building” has been for some time now the most frequently used tag defining a map feature in OpenStreetMap. We use the building footprints from OSM to generate an automatically updated special database of 3D buildings displayed on a virtual globe in, being the first web service that is offering a global 3D representation of OSM for several years now.

Here you find some (older) videos. Munich Heidelberg

(cmp: Over, M., Schilling, A., Neubauer, S., Zipf, A. (2010): Generating web-based 3D City Models from OpenStreetMap: The current situation in Germany. In: CEUS. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. Vol. 34, Issue 6, Pages 496–507)

more info:

further work:
Fan H., Zipf A., Fu Q. and Neis P. (2013): Quality assessment for building footprints data on OpenStreetMap. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2013.867495

Let’s see until when OpenBuildingModels becomes that big 😉
(cmp: Uden, M. and Zipf, A. (2012): OpenBuildingModels - Towards a platform for crowdsourcing virtual 3D cities. 7th 3D GeoInfo Conference. Quebec City, QC, Canada.)



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