Category: Services

  • OpenStreetMap and Mapsurfer.NET help to search for missing people

    We know many examples when VGI data (e.g., OpenStreetMap, Wikimapia, etc.) help to cope with effects of various humanitarian disasters all over the world. The reason of using open crowd-sourced data is clear. The geographic data are available for free. If, for some reason, data are missing for a specific region, it is not a…

  • LVISA video tutorials

    Watch out” New video tutorials of “how to use our LVISA system” are available at The videos give an introduction of the general usage of LVISA as well as an introduction of the visualization, exploration and analysis of LVISA reference data as well as of own (external) data. LVISA is a novel system for…

  • Ravenstein-Förderpreis 2014 for automated map labelling

    Two our colleagues, Maxim Rylov and Andreas Reimer have received a Ravenstein Recognition award from the German Cartographic Society. Their work in automation of map lettering has been recognized by jury members as a compelling and relevant topic that is undoubtedly interesting to all who concerns oneself with digital cartography. Their considerable achievements are the…

  • Twitter Point Clouds

    Not just LiDAR sensors, but also social media sources produce point clouds. We compiled two new visualisations showing spatiotemporal Twitter Tweet locations. One of them is centered at Maracanã stadium during the football world cup 2014. The point cloud allows seeing various games that appear in the form of pronounced discs. In the centre of…

  • A practical algorithm for labelling areal features outside their boundaries

    One of the subtasks of automated map labelling that has received little attention so far is the labelling of areas. Geographic areas often are represented by concave polygons which pose severe limitations on straightforward solutions due to their great variety of shape, a fact worsened by the lack of measures for quantifying feature-label relationships. In…

  • up2date data for ORS: new OSM Data Update Workflow for OpenRouteService

    A new tool for processing and updating the street network data from OpenStreetMap (OSM), that is used in (ORS) has been developed and tested over the last months. Now it has been deployed. Therefore the data used in ORS is now up2date again and can be updated more easily in an regular manner than…

  • LVISA release: plotting out of the map

    The LIDAR Research Group (LRG) present a new release of LVISA: plotting out of the map. Besides the 3D presentation of a selected tree, plots with respect to feature statistic as well as the comparison to corresponding tree species, family and class are now also available. Who has not heard of LVISA: LVISA is a…

  • Improving the Quality of Cartographic Labeling

    The lettering process, including assigning names to point features, is an essential part of map production. While there have been numerous and varied research efforts to automate point-feature label placement (PFLP), none of them seems to have taken into account the many well-established cartographic precepts for point-feature annotation used by human cartographers. As a result,…

  • LVISA Expert User Contest – Winner of first prize

    Today, the winner of the first LVISA Expert User Contest was awarded. The prize rewards the most valuable and extensive user feedback to the LVISA developers within the last year. The winner is Martin Hämmerle who receives a brand-new MS Kinect sensor (with portable screen) for 3D data capturing and a symbolic small tree to…

  • New Release of LVISA – Exploring 3D Point Clouds of Trees in the Web

    The LIDAR Research Group (LRG) released LVISA – a novel system for analyzing point clouds of vegetation. This system examplifies a web-based laser scanning database for the management and analysis of tree reference signatures. It combines techniques and methods of LiDAR and 3D GIScience. We present a new release of LVISA including re-designed and re-implemented…

  • Citizen Science Search – a new platform for finding Citizen Science projects

    A new platform for finding Citizen Science projects went online: “Citizen Science Search” ( helps to organize, publish and find projects related to citizen science. The focus is on projects related to German speaking countries as well as international projects, where citizens also can participate from German speaking countries. The service is brought to you…

  • Qualitätsbewertung nutzergenerierter Geodaten am Beispiel OpenStreetMap

    was the titel of a well-attended invited talk at the Geodetic Colloquium in January at the KIT Karlsruhe Insitute of Technology, Geodetic Institute by Prof. Alexander Zipf. It presented some examples of our work on OSM quality assessment such as iOSManalyser, OSMatrix, but also research on transforming OpenStreetMap into 3D. e.g. Barron, C., Neis, P.,…