Category: Events
GIScience at Kinderuni
A GIScience Heidelberg team (Melanie Eckle, Katharina Przybill, Vivien Zahs, Martin Hilljegerdes and Sven Lautenbach) takes part in the Kinderuni 2019 coming Saturday. Our aim is to introduce giscience methods in a playful and hands-on way to the participating kids. We will introduce remote mapping, 3d pointclouds and much more in a scavenger hunt –…
GIScience/HeiGIT and TdLab Geographie at german IPCC conference
GIScience will be present with two participants (Nicole Aeschbach, TdLab Geographie) and Sven Lautenbach (HeiGIT) at the german IPCC conference. Our contributions aim at highlighting the potential of GIScience and transdisciplinary research for climate change adaptation and climate change mitigation. Examples are the german climate protection map, green or pleasant routing (e.g. meinGrün ) and…
Mapping against Racism – disastermappers heidelberg/GIScience bei den Internationalen Wochen gegen Rassismus in Heidelberg 2019
Bereit seit den 1960ern werden von den Vereinten Nationen initiiert und von den UN-Mitgliedsländern zunehmend unterstützt, jährlich Internationale Wochen gegen Rassismus zum Thema Integration, Austausch und Bewusstsein gegen Rassismus organisiert. Vom 11. bis zum 24. März finden gemäß dem Motto „Europa wählt Menschenwürde“ Konzerte, Lesungen, Workshops usw. statt, um “den nationalistischen, rassistischen und autoritären Angriffen…
GIScience/HeiGIT at Global Land Project open science meeting
GIScience/HeiGIT member Sven Lautenbach is hosting together with Jonas Schwaab from the ETH Zürich a session on Multi-objective optimization approaches to support visioning and decision-making in land-use system science at the 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme April 24-26, 2019 | Bern, Switzerland. The session aims at approaches that study the potential…
Successful 3DGeo group retreat
The 3DGeo research group recently retreated to Lochau, Vorarlberg (AT). In intensive sessions throughout the three days, the members focused on future research, improving working within the group and external representation. A visit to Leica Geosystems in Heerbrugg (CH) complemented the experience, where they were able to visit the manufacturing line for Airborne Laser Scanning…
Lukas Winiwarter wins Karl Kraus Award 2019
Our team member Lukas Winiwarter was awarded the prestigious and competitive Karl-Kraus-Nachwuchsförderpreis 2019 for his outstanding research that he did in his diploma thesis. His research “Classification of 3D Point Clouds using Deep Neural Networks” was compiled at the TU Wien (and also at University of Stuttgart in a research visit) under the guidance of…
HeiGIT and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team at the Geospatial World Forum 2019 in Amsterdam
Beginning of April, Amsterdam will become the gathering place for the global geospatial community. The Geospatial World Forum is organized for the 11th time and builds on previous successes that made it a leading event in sense of innovation, thematic focus and community engagement. The forum will enable geospatial professionals and leaders from public and…
VGI-HATcH: Workshop at AGILE 2019 in Limassol, Cyprus (June 17, 2019)
We are organizing a workshop at the AGILE 2019 conference which will be held this June in Limassol, Cyprus. The workshop is titled as “VGI HATcH – Using Volunteered Geographic Information for Help and Assistance in Transport and Humanitarian operations”. Consider submitting your contributions. Looking forward to seeing you there! This full-day workshop provides an opportunity for interested…
HeiGIT and German Red Cross representation at DLR Humanitarian Technology Days 2019
Last week, Michael Schultz (GIScience Research Group) attended the Humanitarian Technology Days 2019 that was organized by the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR) as a representative of the GIScience Research Group/ HeiGIT and of our collaboration with German Red Cross. For two days, around 80 scientists, humanitarian actors and funding…
HeiGIT at German Red Cross “Digitalisation in Civil Protection” congress
HeiGIT members Melanie Eckle and Martin Hilljegerdes were invited to the “Digital in civil protection” congress of the Landesverband Westfalen-Lippe in Münster to share insights and to present current activities all around “Potentials of Open Data and Digital Humanitarians for civil protection“. They shared experiences and impacts of the collaborative efforts of the Missing Maps…
New Highlights at STAP19
Three invited speakers are now joining the compact course and workshop STAP19 on Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Geographic Phenomena organized by the 3DGeo and FCGL at IWR in Heidelberg. Dr. Gottfried Mandlburger (Institute for Photogrammetry, University of Stuttgart) will give a talk on methods of feature and information extraction from geographic 3D point clouds.…
Micro-Mapping für KI: Exponat auf der MS Wissenschaft
Auch dieses Jahr geht das Ausstellungsschiff MS Wissenschaft auf Tour. Im Fokus steht das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz (KI). Mit an Bord das Exponat „Micro-Mapping“, das wir am HeiGIT in Kooperation mit dem Alfred-Wegener-Institut erstellen. Unser Exponat stellt die Bedeutung des Menschen, besser gesagt: einer Menschenmenge („Crowd“), bei der Entwicklung von KI in den Vordergrund. Es…