Tag: openrouteservice
Open Healthcare Access Map Update and HDX
Last year we started the Open Healthcare Access Map. Initially, only a few countries and later on continents were featured. Today, we are pleased to announce that we are releasing a number of previously missing countries, achieving global coverage. The Open Healthcare Access Map uses healthcare facilities extracted from OpenStreetMap, the isochrone method from openrouteservice…
Access to safe abortion in Germany
Our team thoroughly enjoyed the newly in-person State of the Map 2022 in Florence. We attended workshops, talks, and had the opportunity to present our own poster about the accessibility of abortion clinics in Germany, which will be discussed in this post and can be found here. In the following blog, we’ll explore more information…
Räumliche Daten für die Gesellschaft – HeiGIT in die Zukunft geführt
Unterführungen, Treppen und hohe Bordsteinkanten sind für Menschen mit Gehbeeinträchtigungen eine große Herausforderung. Ein maßgeschneiderter Routenplaner kann aber ihre Mobilität erhöhen, indem er Wege mit möglichst wenigen Hindernissen berechnet. Dieses Beispiel zeigt, wie Geoinformationstechnologie und Geoinformatik speziellen Gruppen in der Gesellschaft ganz konkret helfen. HeiGIT, das Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology, entwickelt nicht nur passgenaue…
Join our final “SocialMedia2Traffic” project presentation on March 22
Navigation services need time dependent information on traffic speed to generate suitable routes and yield accurate travel time estimations. However, this information is not available free of cost globally. Within the recently completed project “SocialMedia2Traffic”, we have developed a system to model traffic speed of urban roads depending on the time of day based on…
United Nations World Data Forum Blog on Healthcare Accessibility Map
In the context of the United Nations World Data Forum 2021 organised by the United Nations Statistics Division and UN member states a series of blogposts has been published by UNSTATS. Among them is one by Alexander Zipf about improving access to healthcare facilities through geoinformation and crowdsourcing. He introduces the Open Healthcare Access Map…
Towards climate neutral science: the Pledge4Future CO2e emission calculator
Under pressure from the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court in spring 2021, the German government has amended its climate targets. The new coalition also wants to stick to these and pursue the goal of greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045. Emissions are to be reduced by 65 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 (Presse- und…
meinGrün, Tardur und SocialMedia2Traffic bei der mFUND Konferenz 2021
Letzte Woche konnten wir bei der digitalen mFUND Konferenz drei unserer Projekte einem interessierten Publikum vorstellen. Im Fachforum “Die „15-Minuten-Stadt“ datenbasiert ermöglichen” haben wir gezeigt, wie die meinGrün App, das meinGrün Webportal und die angegliederten Dienste Städte dabei unterstützen könnten, die Erreichbarkeit von öffentlichen Grünflächen zu verbessern. Dabei zeigten sich auch Anknüpfungspunkte zu weiteren mFUND…
Aktuelle Meldung der Universität Heidelberg zum Projekt HEAL: https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/de/newsroom/wenn-es-in-der-stadt-zu-heiss-wird BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG STIFTUNG FÖRDERT HEIDELBERGER PROJEKT ZU ROUTINGDIENST MIT HITZEVERMEIDENDEN WEGSTRECKEN Wo in der Stadt Heidelberg ist es besonders heiß und wie wirken sich lokale Hitzebelastungen auf gefährdete Personengruppen aus? Mit dieser Frage befasst sich ein Forschungsprojekt, durchgeführt von der Abteilung Geoinformatik und dem TdLab Geographie am Geographischen…
Today paper on green routing at GIScience conference 2021
The “11th International Conference on GIScience” 2021 started! Our full paper related to MeinGrün project and openrouteservice will be presented this Tuesday 13:30 CET in Session 3 “Mobility”: 13:30-13:45: Christina Ludwig, Sven Lautenbach, Eva-Marie Schömann and Alexander Zipf. Comparison of simulated fast and green routes for cyclists and pedestrians. Routes with a high share of…
A Web App to generate and disseminate knowledge on urban green space qualities and their accessibility
Urban green spaces (UGSs) can provide important ecosystem services for citizens and their well-being. To make use of these services according to UGS user demands, urban residents, tourists, and city administrations should know where UGSs are located, what qualities they have and how to reach them on convenient routes. A new open access paper at…
Revamped openrouteservice client for disaster management
We are happy to announce a revamped openrouteservice maps client for disaster management. It was built based on the new openrouteservice maps client, that is an open source route planner with plenty of features. Specific disaster features were incorporated via the development of developing plugins. It was developed and is maintained by the Heidelberg Institute for…