Tag: openrouteservice

  • HeiGIT at FOSSGIS: today several presentations on OSM technology

    in case you are this week not at CeBIT in the north of Germany, but rather at FOSSGIS in the south, you have the chance meet us also there and listen to several presentations on OSM work at HeiGIT and GIScience HD by our team member Martin Raifer. The main talk will be on OSM-History-Analysis…

  • HeiGIT auf der CeBIT: Smarte Geodienste für Smart Cities

    Zusammen mit Heidelberg Mobil International (HDMI) wird das neue „Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology“ (HeiGIT) dieses Jahr erstmalig auf der CeBIT in Hannover auf dem Smart City Forum vertreten sein. Dabei stehen ortsbasierte Dienste zur Navigation unter Berücksichtigung vielfältiger Anforderungen im Fokus. Wir zeigen das Potenzial nutzer-generierter OpenStreetMap-Daten und innovativer Geoinformationstechnologien für Smart City-Anwendungen, und…

  • HeiGIT goes CeBIT – Smart Geo Services for Smart Cities

    Together with Heidelberg Mobil International (HDMI) our new Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) will be represented at the CeBIT in Hannover within the Smart City Forum this month from the 20-24th of March. In this context we will be focusing on transportation and navigation as an example which must meet a wide range of…

  • Towards a Landmark based pedestrian Navigation Service using OpenStreetMap data

    Within wayfinding and navigation tasks, the use of landmarks has been found to be a key aspect. In particular pedestrian instructions should focus on the delivery of “landmarks” to aid in navigation. Still the use of landmarks is not common in many navigation systems. The salience of features is an important aspect of whether they…

  • GIScience Heidelberg presentation at Münchner GI-Runde

    This week Prof. Alexander Zipf presented some recent work of the GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and HeiGIT at the “Münchner GI-Runde” of the “Runde Tisch GIS e.V. Munich”. The overall topic of the presentation was spatio-temporal analysis from user generated geodata such as VGI or AGI (Social Media). Examples included work on OSM quality analytics…

  • Special Issue on “Crowdsourced Mapping” Cartography and Geographic Information Science is Online

    The Special Issue on “Crowdsourced Mapping” of the international journal “Cartography and Geographic Information Science” is online. Here you can read the editorial. Further this issue includes our paper on Deriving incline values for street networks from voluntarily collected GPS traces. When producing optimal routes through an environment, considering the incline of surfaces can be…

  • OpenRouteService introduces E-bike and Level of Fitness

    We have been busy working on some new features within the OpenRouteService which are especially suited for bicyclists. For starters we introduced an electronic bicycle profile which especially comes in handy for accessibility analyses considering elevation information. To this end you will notice that inclines will not have such a large impact on the reachability…

  • CAP4Access Comes to a Close

    On Tuesday 17th January, the CAP4Access/MyAccessible.EU came to a close after three years with the successful completion of the final European Commission review meeting in Brussels. Reviewers were highly pleased with the outcomes of the project, both on the technical and societal fronts. At GIScience in Heidelberg, through the EC FP7 project we have extended…

  • A Route Planner for Every Eventuality – Report about GIScience & HeiGIT

    Heidelberg University reports about some of the work of the GIScience research group and at the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT), which is currently being established and core funded by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung. The short reports are available in English and in German. Enjoy! Check some of the Online Services by GIScience &…

  • HeiGIT presentation on OSM analysis and routing at WhereCamp Berlin

    This Friday, Nov 4th, Alexander Zipf from GIScience Heidelberg will give a presentation at the WhereCamp 2016 conference in Berlin about some current activities and developments in the currently being established Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformatics (HeiGIT), core funded by the Klaus Tschira Foundation. This includes latest developments in Routing and Navigation solutions, such as OpenRouteService…

  • European COST action IC1203 reports about our work in CAP4Access project

    COST action IC1203 is a European Network Exploring Research into Geospatial Information Crowdsourcing: software and methodologies for harnessing geographic information from the crowd (ENERGIC). The action has been greatly active in the past 3 years and is now delivering the results via their website as well as their Youtube channel. One of the outputs of this…

  • HeiGIT is starting to move into Mathematikon

    recently the first few members of the Navigation Intelligence and Location Based Services group of the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) – which is currently being established based on core funding from the Klaus-Tschira Foundation Heidelberg – moved into their new offices at Mathematikon Heidelberg. The group works on services like OpenRouteService and related…