Category: Events
HeiGIT/GIScience @ISCRAM 2018 Rochester- Exchange of latest crisis management practice and innovative ideas near a natural wonder of the world
Rochester NY, a small city located at Lake Ontario, became a gathering place for the international ISCRAM community last week. Researchers and practitioners from over 20 countries presented their latest work, ideas and needs related to crisis management at the 15th ISCRAM conference. Crisis and humanitarian management being one of the main focuses of the…
This Monday HCE Talk on: Ökologische Dienstleistungen und Zielkonflikte von Landnutzungsentscheidungen (Dr. Lautenbach)
As a founding member of Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) we want to share this important date of the HCE’s “Heidelberg Bridge” Colloquium series. This semester the Institute of Geography is involved with two presentations and one of these is from the GIScience group with Dr. Sven Lautenbach talking about his work on ecosystem…
Colloquium on monitoring of rockfalls and post-seismic landslide patterns
We cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk The speaker is Dr. Jack Williams Department of Geography, Durham University When: Monday 28.05.2018, 2:15 pm Where: INF 348, room 015 (Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University) Near-continuous monitoring of rockfalls and insights into post-seismic landslide patterns This talk focuses on two strands of research that…
BuFaTa Mapathon HD – Spreading the Word about OpenStreetMap and Missing Maps
Last weekend Heidelberg was the host city of this semesters geography “BuFaTa” (Bundesfachschaftentagung). During this four day event student associations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland and their members came together to discuss, learn and spend time together. The event was organized by an excellent student team from Heidelberg. The disastermappers Heidelberg contributed to the BuFaTa by organising…
Identifying the Effects of Mobility Domains on Volunteered Geographical Information: Towards an Analytical Approach
The production of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) is a type of human behavior which emerges via direct and indirect interactions with the physical environments described by these data. The nature of these interactions and the extent to which they rely on physical presence in the mapped area may affect the quality of the resulting digital…
VGI ALIVE workshop Draft Agenda is available – Join us @AGILE in Lund, Sweden
The organizers are happy to announce that list of accepted papers at the VGI ALIVE workshop are available. Therefore a prelimnary draft agenda of the workshop at AGILE 2018 in Lund has been posted. Looks like an interesting and promising programme! Stay tuned for further updates and join us for discussions and collaborative sessions in…
Associating OpenStreetMap tags to CORINE land-cover classes using text and semantic similarity measures
With the aim of rapidly estimating the updated state of the CORINE land-cover map at the frequency with which the OpenStreetMap (OSM) dataset is edited and extended, we propose an approach for automatically associating widely used OSM tags to Level 1 and Level 2 CORINE land-cover classes. This association is probabilistic and is undertaken based…
Overview GIScience Colloquium Heidelberg SoSe 2018
wie in jedem Semester findet auch im Sommersemester 2018 das Geoinformatik-Kolloquium am Geographischen Institut statt. Hierzu möchten wir Sie herzlich einladen! Internationale Gäste berichten aus ihren interessanten Forschungsprojekten. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Geoinformatik und in angrenzenden Forschungsfeldern zu informieren und mit Forschern aus aller Welt zu diskutieren! Das…
disastermappers heidelberg OSM Mapathons this semester
as mentioned earlier this Monday will see the first of our disastermappers heidelberg Mapathons this summer semester. But this will definitely not be your only chance to participate in some collaborative OSM mapping or learning how to work with OSM data this semester at Heidelberg University. So here is the current schedule. This should help…
Talks at Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) “Heidelberg Bridge” Colloquium SoSe 2018
As a founding member of Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) we want to share the dates for the HCE’s “Heidelberg Bridge” Colloquium series. This semester the Institute of Geography is involved with two presentations and one of these is from the GIScience group with Dr. Sven Lautenbach talking about his work on ecosystem services.…
Colloquium on Advances in Remote Sensing Image Search and Retrieval from Large Archives
We cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk The speaker is Prof. Begum Demir Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Technical University of Berlin When: Monday 07.05.2018, 2:15 pm Where: INF 348, room 015 (Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University) Recent Advances in Remote Sensing Image Search and Retrieval from Large Archives During the last…