We are always happy to support citizen science projects at the HeiGIT. HeiGIT/ GIScience efforts already range from tools that assess the data quality of citizen science projects (see, e.g., this blog post about “Plausible Parrots“) to approaches related to data creation, like MapSwipe Analytics (learn more here).
Currently, we are supporting citizen science approaches towards new applications in Arctic and climate research. Mapping the Arctic ground ice distribution has been identified as a major scientific task to bring climate change impact assessments and permaforst modeling to a new level of realism. Dr. Moritz Langer, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), was presenting first ideas to tackle this challenge by integrating citizen science at the ThinkCamp CitizienScience@Helmholtz.
HeiGIT and AWI are further collaborating in an exhibition that was developed for the MS Wissenschaft science ship: Artifical Intelligence. Our aim is to combine the potential of both, citizen science and machine learning approaches, to deepen our understanding of earth surface processes.