OSM GeoWeek MissingMaps Mapping Event for Madagascar @Heidelberg

Dear Mapping Enthusiasts,

Nov 13-19th is the international OpenStreetMap GeoWeek in context of the National Geographic’s Geography Awareness Week. In this scope the disastermappers/ GIScience Research Group Heidelberg invites you again to a special Mapathon to start the new semester.

When: Thursday 17.11.2016, 6 pm
Where: Hörsaal, Berliner Straße 48, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University

The MissingMaps event will be organized in collaboration with another one of the partner organizations of the MissingMaps project, the French based NGO CartONG. CartONG is currently conducting mapping projects in Madagascar in cooperation with MissingMaps.

Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world with more than 92% of the population living under 2 dollars a day. As one of the most vulnerable countries regarding the global warming (behind Haiti and Bangladesh), Madagascar moreover gathers climatic imbalances. Sava region in the North of the island particularly suffers from storms intensification and disappearance of mangrove, which are natural barriers against storms and cyclona. Having a better and global understanding of the location of the population and its accessibility is crucial for NGOs and local actors to prepare risk reduction programs.

We would like to support these efforts with our Mapping Event!

The event will start with an introduction into the project by Violaine Doutreleau of CartONG who will be connected to us via Skype! Afterwards we will provide a short introduction into mapping in OpenStreetMap before the mapping sessions begin.

We will as usual provide snacks, drinks and nice after work sound.




