Tag: VGI

  • Generating Customized Pleasant Pedestrian Routes Based on OpenStreetMap Data

    In a newly published open access paper, we present a system that generates customized pedestrian routes entirely based on data from OpenStreetMap (OSM). The system enables users to define to what extent they would like the route to have green areas (e.g., parks, squares, trees), social places (e.g., cafes, restaurants, shops) and quieter streets (i.e.,…

  • Jupyter Notebook: Combining Twitter Data and OpenRouteService Directions API

    In the case of a disaster fast response is important and life saving. Information on blocked streets is crucial, but a the same time this infornations needs to be considered by routing engines in real-time. However, many routing engines use street network data which is at best updated once a week or even less often.…

  • Visit by Prof. Mohammad Reza Malek and Students from K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Teheran

    This week, the GIScience research group received a visit by Prof. Mohammad Reza Malek and his Students from K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Teheran, Iran, supported by DAAD. In three intense days of  talks and discussions, Prof. Malek and his students presented their work at Ubiquitous & Mobile GIS Research Lab led by Prof. Malek in…

  • GSIS Special Issue on Crowdsourcing for Urban Geoinformatics has been published

    GSIS Special Issue: Crowdsourcing for Urban Geoinformatics. Geo-Spatial Information Science (GSIS), Volume 23, Issue 3. Taylor & Francis. Guest Editors: Hongchao Fan, Rene Westerholt, João Porto de Albuquerque, Bernd Resch and Alexander Zipf TOC: Do people communicate about their whereabouts? Investigating the relation between user-generated text messages and Foursquare check-in places Ming Li, Rene Westerholt & Alexander…

  • Keynote on VGI and AI for Disaster Management by Prof. Zipf at 10 Years HAUS New York

    Heidelberg Alumni USA (HAUS) is the alumni initiative for all former students, lecturers, professors or staff of Heidelberg University who live or work in the US. HAUS was born in New York City, and that’s where we will celebrate the tenth anniversary the weekend of September 14-16, 2018. We hope you will be there for…

  • Social Innovation and GIScience

    This week sees the International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC 2018) hosted at Heidelberg University. ISIRC is the world’s leading  interdisciplinary social innovation research conference. The conference brings together scholars from across the globe to discuss social innovation in a variety of perspectives. GIScience Heidelberg and HeiGIT.org will present their work related to social innovation…

  • New ‘Transformations to Sustainability’ project “Waterproofing Data” with UK and Brazil

    Recently a project proposal to the Belmont Forum and NORFACE joint programme Transformations to Sustainability (T2S) call has been accepted. The project “Waterproofing Data” investigates the governance of water-related risks, with a focus on social and cultural aspects of data practices. Typically, data flows up from local levels to scientific “centres of expertise”, and then flood-related…

  • A new infrastructure for exploring and analyzing OpenStreetMap

    Ever wondered how you can generate/use some meta-information about OpenStreetMap for your project? Are you interested in visualizing different aspects of OpenStreetMap data? In the article below, we present a server infrastructure to collect and process data about different aspects of OpenStreetMap. The resulting data are offered publicly in a common container format, which fosters…

  • Deadline extended to July 25: PLATIAL 2018, Heidelberg University

    Because of several requests the deadline for short papers has been extended to Wed. July 25 2018. The recent availability of user-generated geographic datasets allows gaining novel insights into otherwise hardly observable societal phenomena. Geosocial media forms one important source of user-generated information, which partly describes the everyday lives of people. The analysis of these…

  • Today VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE 2018 Lund, Sweden

    If you are in Lund, Sweden today you might consider joining our VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE Conference 2018. The latest programme can be found here. It includes keynotes by Andrea Ballatore and Stefano Dea Sabata and a range of interesting contributions, including Enhancing Crowdsourced Classification on Human Settlements Utilizing Logistic Regression Aggregation and Intrinsic Context…

  • Successful DFG VGIscience Collaborative Research Week in Heidelberg

    Last week about 30 scientists from different insitutions from all across Germany came together in Heidelberg to conduct collaborative research. The research week is the result of an intense collaboration within the DFG Priority Programme VGIscience, which deals with the following topics Information Retrieval and Analysis of VGI: • information extraction (space, time, semantics) •…

  • A discussion of crowdsourced geographic information initiatives and big Earth observation data architectures for land-use and land-cover monitoring

    The effective monitoring of land-use and land-cover changes (LULCC) is a basic requirement for understanding socio-enviromental processes of local to global scales. Remote sensing data and methods have long been established as the most effective approach for monitoring LULCC. The potential for further increasing the effectiveness of this approach is proportional to the astonishingly large…