Tag: Urban
Mapping Public Urban Green Spaces Based on OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Belief Functions
Public urban green spaces are important for the urban quality of life. Still, comprehensive open data sets on urban green spaces are not available for most cities. As open and globally available data sets, the potential of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and OpenStreetMap (OSM) data for urban green space mapping is high but limited due to…
Studying the impact of built environments on human mental health in everyday life – a review of methods published
Rapid worldwide urbanization benefits humans in many aspects, but the prevalence of common psychiatric disorders is increased in urban populations. While the impact of city living and urban upbringing on mental health is well established, it remains elusive which of the multiple factors of urban living convey risk and resilience for mental disorders. For example,…
Studying the impact of built environments on human mental health in everyday life – a review of methods
Rapid worldwide urbanization benefits humans in many aspects, but the prevalence of common psychiatric disorders is increased in urban populations. While the impact of city living and urban upbringing on mental health is well established, it remains elusive which of the multiple factors of urban living convey risk and resilience for mental disorders. For example,…
meinGrün @roadto_festival: What OSM tells us about urban green space features
Where is the next shaded bench to escape the burning heat? Where can I play soccer within the city and later on have a barbecue with my friends? All of these questions require information about features of urban green spaces. Although it is easy to find the right place within your own neighbourhood, it is…
Colloquium: New observations of urban climates – remote sensing and crowd sourcing, Dr. B. Bechtel
We cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk The speaker is Dr. Benjamin Bechtel from the Institute of Geography / Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Universität Hamburg www.clisap.de cen.uni-hamburg.de When: Thursday 08.03.2018, 14ct Where: INF 348, room015 (Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University) Abstract: New observations of urban climates –…
Mapping of environmental risk factors in everyday life
Psychiatric research is increasingly interested in the influence of social and environmental contexts on human health. According to recent findings, specific impacts of urban upbringing on neural social stress processing relate to the heightened prevalence of mental disorders in cities. Although this is a major societal problem, it remains unknown which environmental components (e.g., psychosocial…
Reallabor/Urban Office TP 4: Workshop zum Wissensspeicher
Am Dienstag, den 24. November 2015, nimmt das Teilprojekt 4 (Geoinformatik, IFEU) “Wissen schaffen für die Stadt – neue Methoden der Bürgerbeteiligung durch interaktive Stadtplanung im Web 2.0 am Beispiel der Energiewende” an einem Workshop der Stadtwerke teil. Im Rahmen des “IBA_KANDIDAT #033 Zukunfts- und Wissensspeicher Energie und Technik” geht es um die Ausgestaltung des…
Methods for Participation in Urban Planning in the Knowledge Society – New Project Accepted
Recently a new joint project together with several groups at Heidelberg University has been accepted and is starting now. The interdisciplinary so called “Reallabor Urban Office” deals with sustainable urban development in the knowledge society and is coordinated by Prof. Gerhard (Geography of North America) and tightly linked to the Internationale Bauaustellung IBA Heidelberg. The…
Abschlussarbeiten: Wissensorte in der Stadt – Internationale Bauaustellung Heidelberg IBA
Themen für Abschlussarbeiten (Master, Bachelor, Lehramt) // pot. Hiwi-Arbeit Wissen schafft Stadt /// Wissensorte in der Stadt Erleben der Wissensorte der Stadt in Raum & Zeit In der Abteilung Geoinformatik werden mehrere Themen für Abschlussarbeiten im Rahmen des IBA-Kandidaten-Projektes „Wissensorte in der Stadt“ vergeben. Diese können an verschiedene Niveaus (Bachelor, Master, Diplom, Lehramt) angepasst werden…
Fusion of human and remote sensor data in urban environments
OpenStreetMap (OSM) currently represents the most popular project of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI): geodata are collected by common people and made available for public use. Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) enables the acquisition of high-resolution digital elevation models that are used for many applications. Our new study combines the advantages of both ALS and OSM, offering…