QGIS Plugin OSM Tools v3.2 published
We’re pleased to announce the next version of our QGIS plugin to access the most popular functions of openrouteservice. in QGIS. OSM Tools is the only QGIS plugin to access advanced features like dynamic routing, isochrones or origin-destination matrices with a few mouse clicks. You can choose to either use point layers from your QGIS project…
New QGIS-PlugIn for OSM-Routing and Accessibility Analysis using OpenRouteService
Recently a new “OSM Tools Plugin” for QGIS had been developed by Nils Nolde. It replaces the original OSMroute plugin for QGIS by Riccardo Klinger, which is now deprecated, as he unfortunately lacks the time to maintain it. Thanks a lot to Riccardo and Nils for their wonderful efforts and contributions so far! The new “OSM…
OpenMapSurfer maps in QGIS
Using the free and open soruce gis QGIS in work or research, sometimes you might need to visualize spatial data on top of a basemap that is provided through different web interfaces such as WMS, WMTS or TMS service. Generally, this can be accomplished by using either WMS drivers or OpenLayers plugin. Both solutions have…