Tag: OSM

  • Help to Map Your University! Let’s make CampusMobil Heidelberg happen.

    Liebe Studenten und Mitarbeiter der Universität Heidelberg, wir brauchen eure Hilfe. Das CampusMobil-Team der Universität Heidelberg entwickelt derzeit eine Navigations-App, damit sich endlich jeder in den Weiten des Universitäts-Campus zurechtfinden kann. Damit man aber nicht einfach vor der Wand des Ziel-Gebäudes, sondern am Eingang des jeweiligen landet, wollen wir zunächst die verschiedenen Eingänge der Universitätsgebäude…

  • Keynote at GEOINFO 2016 Brazil

    This week Alexander Zipf was giving an invited keynote presentation at the 18th Geoinfo Conference in Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil. The GEOINFO conferences aim to bring together leading GIScience and spatial database researchers, to present to the local community a perspective of the state-of-the-art in the area. Past speakers have included Max Egenhofer,…

  • Introducing OSMLanduse.org : OpenStreetMap Landuse Landcover (LULC) WebMap is Online

    Today a new global WebMap prototype “OSMLanduse.org” has been launched by GIScience Research Group Heidelberg. The map provides worldwide Landuse/Landcover information on the basis of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. This is based on our earlier work on testing the suitability of OpenStreetMap for deriving landuse and landcover information (LULC). LULC data is highly relevant for many…

  • OSM GeoWeek MissingMaps Mapping Event for Madagascar @Heidelberg

    Dear Mapping Enthusiasts, Nov 13-19th is the international OpenStreetMap GeoWeek in context of the National Geographic’s Geography Awareness Week. In this scope the disastermappers/ GIScience Research Group Heidelberg invites you again to a special Mapathon to start the new semester. When: Thursday 17.11.2016, 6 pm Where: Hörsaal, Berliner Straße 48, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University…

  • HOT Summit MapSwipe and Pybossa Video Online

    The presentations of this years HOT summit that was held in Brussels (September 22, 2016) were recorded and are now available in the Youtube channel of HOT, the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team. If you missed the summit and are interested in what we are doing, have a look at the video of the joint presentation of…

  • HeiGIT presentation on OSM analysis and routing at WhereCamp Berlin

    This Friday, Nov 4th, Alexander Zipf from GIScience Heidelberg will give a presentation at the WhereCamp 2016 conference in Berlin about some current activities and developments in the currently being established Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformatics (HeiGIT), core funded by the Klaus Tschira Foundation. This includes latest developments in Routing and Navigation solutions, such as OpenRouteService…

  • European COST action IC1203 reports about our work in CAP4Access project

    COST action IC1203 is a European Network Exploring Research into Geospatial Information Crowdsourcing: software and methodologies for harnessing geographic information from the crowd (ENERGIC). The action has been greatly active in the past 3 years and is now delivering the results via their website as well as their Youtube channel. One of the outputs of this…

  • The Tasks of the Crowd: A Typology of Tasks in Geographic Information Crowdsourcing and a Case Study in Humanitarian Mapping

    In the past few years, volunteers have produced geographic information of different kinds, using a variety of different crowdsourcing platforms, within a broad range of contexts. However, there is still a lack of clarity about the specific types of tasks that volunteers can perform for deriving geographic information from remotely sensed imagery, and how the…

  • New HistOSM 2 released

    For all people who are interested in historic features of the OpenStreetMap dataset a complete new worldwide map service has been published. It is extending the original old HistOSM (*) from 2009 considerably. http://histosm.org/ As of October 2016 you can find 638.284 objects that were tagged ‘historic’ all over the world. The range of object…

  • Exploring the Missing Maps Project – Tasking Manager statistics

    The HOT Tasking Manager is the tool where most of the work of the Missing Maps community and members happens. The projects created tell us a lot about the current mapping efforts and also show where we already succesfully mapped basic infrastructures like roads and human settlements. Tools like OSMatrix or OSM Analytics try to…

  • Maptember in Brussels – GIScience Research Group at the HOT summit, SOTM 2016 and Missing Maps Meeting

    Brussels became the global center for OpenStreetMap enthusiasts, humanitarians and researchers during the last week. The 2nd HOT Summit was held on the 22nd September and was complemented by a Missing Maps Mapathon in the evening. From 23rd – 25th September the State of the Map conference opened their doors for the global OpenStreetMap community.…

  • LandSense Kick-Off Meeting – EU Citizen Science Observatory on Landuse

    this week sees the Kick-Off Meeting of a new EU Horizon 2020 project called LandSense at International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IASA) Laxemburg Austria. The overall aim of the LandSense project is to build an innovative citizen observatory in the field of LandUse LandCover (LULC), which collects data both actively (through citizens) and passively…