Tag: ORS

  • Gefahrenstellen.de Uses ORS for a Safer Route to School

    Creating tools to map and navigate the urban (and not-so-urban) jungle has been a specialty of the HeiGIT and GIScience teams since their founding. We’ve plotted our way to the closest park through meinGrün, fostered awareness of barriers for limited-mobility travelers with CAP4Access, and helped find shortcuts through the unprecedented heat with HEAL. The latest…

  • Kick-off workshop for the research program “Innovation for adaptation to climate change” by Baden-Württemberg Stiftung

    The project HEAL (HeiGIT, GIScience, TdLab Geographie) is funded by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung as part of the research program “Innovation for adaptation to climate change“. HEAL aims at an extension of the openrouteservice to allow the generation of heat avoiding routes, using Heidelberg as a test case. The project aims specifically at vulnerable groups such…

  • Revamped openrouteservice client for disaster management

    We are happy to announce a revamped openrouteservice maps client for disaster management. It was built based on the new openrouteservice maps client, that is an open source route planner with plenty of features. Specific disaster features were incorporated via the development of developing plugins. It was developed and is maintained by the Heidelberg Institute for…

  • A safe way through the heat: Transdisciplinary project HEAL makes everyday life easier for at-risk groups

    (in Deutsch unterhalb) Aerial view of Heidelberg’s old town with the university square. This was a site of the study on climate change adaptation of public spaces (Foshag et al. 2020). (Photo: Kathrin Foshag). As part of a transdisciplinary collaboration, the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT), the GIScience research group and the TdLab Geography at…

  • Becoming ohsome in R – analysis of the completeness of the road network and health sites in Jakarta

    Data quality is an important issue then performing analysis based on OpenStreetMap data. We have recently demonstrated how the effects of the 2013 flood in Jakarta on the accessibility of hospitals and clinics could be analyzed based on network analysis indicators and the isochrones functionality of the openrouteservice. As part of that analysis we analyzed…

  • A fresh new ORS maps client

    We are happy to announce that the new openrouteservice maps client has been finished and released. It is an open source route planner with plenty of features for car, heavy vehicles, hiking, cycling and wheelchair, designed to be mobile friendly and offers several advanced features and filters, as well as support for export and import files.…

  • Accessibility of covid-19 vaccination centers in Germany

    Updated based on newly available vaccination center locations at the 14th of January 2021. Vaccination of a sufficiently large share of the population is considered the most important action to fight the spread of SARS-CoV -2 and resulting COVID-19 infections. Germany has started together with the majority of EU member states at the 27th of…

  • New embedded mode for OpenRouteService map client available

    The new openrouteservice map client development is in the final phase and has now a new feature that allows to show routes, isochrones and other features from openrouteservice (ORS) integrated on other websites. This allows webmasters and editors to embed those geographic features into their website using the new client. How to embed the maps…

  • A revamped ORS map client to celebrate the 16th OpenStreetMap anniversary

    #OpenStreetMap is turning 16! Happy Birthday from the HeiGIT team. After 16 years OSM is a reference of collaborative work and how we can give our best to create and maintain global, free and multipurpose projects that bring benefits to all. As part of this ecosystem we are continuously working to offer services and solutions…

  • Advanced time-dependent routing soon available in Openrouteservice

    Update: The demo server has been shut down. The plan is to make time-dependent routing available on the main client and API during Q3 2025. For more information, contact support@smartmobility.heigit.org. We are thrilled to give you a sneak peak into routing with time-dependent road restrictions, the outcome of our collaboration with GraphHopper GmbH in the research project…

  • Einladung zum Beta Test der meinGrün App

    Beim Konsortialtreffen letzte Woche haben wir die erste Beta Version der meinGrün App fertiggestellt. Jetzt benötigen wir Grünflächen-Enthusiasten, die mit uns zusammen die App testen, um sie weiter zu verbessern. Diesen Samstag findet unser erstes Test-Event statt: WO: Volkshochschule Heidelberg in der Cafeteria – Bergheimer Straße 76 WANN: diesen Samstag, 26.10.19 von 10:30 Uhr bis…

  • New OpenRouteService API playground

    After the release of the new OpenRouteService dashboard the team has worked on a new interactive API documentation application named API Playground , that allows the users to explore all the OpenRouteService API services, parameters and responses in an intuitive and easy way. It is possible run requests, see the response in a map, table…