Tag: openrouteservice

  • Heidelberg University press releases about Nepal Disaster OpenRouteService

    Heidelberg University has published press releases about our work on providing specialized disaster routing and maps for the humanitarian aid organizations working in Nepal like the UN Logistics Cluster, USAid or the local KLL etc. The services based on OpenRouteService use the geodata provided by volunteers worldwide through OpenStreetMap. We also want to mention the…

  • Nepal Disaster Mapping Heidelberg University

    Following the earthquake which struck Nepal on April 25 hundreds of volunteers worldwide come together to map out disaster affected areas through the coordination of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) and the local partner in Kathmandu, the Kathmandu Living Labs team. Disastermappers Heidelberg joined the efforts on monday evening by organizing a first mapping event.…

  • Mapping for wheelchair users at Heidelberg castle gardens

    On the occasion of the European protest day for equal rights of people with disabilities the Heidelberg advisory board of people with disabilities organises an event at Heidelberg castle tomorrow (30/4) from 2pm to 5pm. Our local CAP4ACCESS team is happy to join this event by leading mapping efforts to fill some data gaps in…

  • Disaster OpenRouteService for Nepal

    Facing the most severe earthquake for the past decades, Nepal and especially the Kathmandu area show unimagineable devastations. In order to provide emergency and rescue forces with near real time information concerning infrastructural conditions of roads and buildings the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (H.O.T.) as part of the OpenStreetMap Community coordinates the crisis mapping activities for…

  • Option for wheelchair routing now available within OpenRouteService

    We are happy to announce that the first version of the wheelchair routing profile is now available online within OpenRouteService and goes into beta testing phase. Currently, there is a separate version (http://openrouteservice.org/wheelchair-2.1/) for testing that contains this new feature, which currently covers Germany only. However, after beta testing, it will also be available via…

  • Report on the 4th PCC Meeting of CAP4Access project

    On the 7th and 8th of April, our GIScience research group hosted the 4th PCC meeting of CAP4Access project in Heidelberg. The meeting was aimed to discuss the feedbacks and comments received from the reviewers of European Commission from the first evaluation meeting and various items where discussed from both theoretical and technical perspectives. As the normal procedure…

  • CAP4Access e-Newsletter No. 2, 2015 (Part 2) – toilets, survey, crowdcrafting and news

    This is the Second Part of the CAP4Access e-Newsletter No 2. 2015. The First Part can be found here. (It needed to be splitted in two parts for technical reasons) Finding accessible toilets made easy People in wheelchairs and other people with mobility impairments must be able to find an accessible toilet when needed. What…

  • CAP4Access e-Newsletter No. 2 – 2015 (Part 1, Geoinfo for Mobility Impaired

    CAP4Access e-Newsletter No. 2, 2015 (Part 1) First tools released + + + “Mapping parties” raise awareness for disability issues Dear Readers, The CAP4Access project has kick-started its second year by publishing first versions of a range of tools. They are intended to raise awareness about accessibility of the built environment and for providing concrete…

  • This week extended OpenRouteService Demo @ CeBIT

    This week you have the chance to visit a demonstration of our extended and specialized routing services based on OpenRouteService and the IBM Cloud solutions at the international computer fair CeBIT. Please visit our partner Heidelberg Mobil at the IBM booth | hall 2 A10 in the CeBIT “Cloud Area” from March 16. – 20.…

  • Major Update for OpenRouteService Frontend

    Last few months, we have been working hard on a new Web frontend for OpenRouteService.org. The new service provides all features from the old OpenRouteService (Check the advanced version from the Options page) but is much faster and also covers all of Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia! Also further new route profiles will come within…

  • Derivation of an OSM graph with TMC LCL traffic information to provide real time traffic services

    Increasing traffic, especially in urban areas, leads to more and more infrastructural bottlenecks and congestion inside transportation networks. The aim is therefore to use existing transport networks as efficiently as possible. Current traffic and incident reports from the Traffic Message Channel (TMC) are an important source of information to provide further services in the context…

  • Major Update for OpenRouteService Backend

    Last few months, we have been working hard on a new backend for OpenRouteService.org. The new implementation is much more flexible and faster than before and supports more sophisticated routing profiles. The services are deployed on a new and more powerful server that makes it possible to update routing graphs based on OpenStreetMap data more…