Tag: Open data
Open Data + Open Software – A perfect match
On 1st March 2021, the Swiss Federal Office of Topography (SwissTopo) released all official geodata according to the principles of “Open Government Data (OGD)”. With this step, Swisstopo is making large volumes of high quality geodata freely accessible. We are most excited about the 3D data, which includes digital surface models, digital terrain models and…
The future of working with OSM data
The open, flexible and collaborative nature as well as the benefits and advantages of OpenStreetMap (OSM) lead to the creation of a whole new ecosystem evolving around the project. They range from local and global communities of data and software developers to a large amount of tools and services like disaster response, routing, art etc.…
Virtual Semester Start Mapathon “Humanitarian help and climate change” by disastermappers Heidelberg
Dear disastermapping enthusiasts, The disastermappers heidelberg series of events “Open Data & the Sustainable Development Goals” begins right on time for the start of the upcoming summer semester. With these events the disastermappers raise awareness for the importance of freely available geographical data and their relevance for current social, ecological and economic challenges. In cooperation with many…
Disaster Risk Reduction, OpenStreetMap and Missing Maps at Global Platform 2019
Global Platform 2019 in Geneva Creating maps helps humanity. Drawing maps together with communities is crucial for effective risk reduction interventions, ensuring no one is left behind. The progress of the implementation of the targets set by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) have been key discussion points during this years Global Platform…
Hello world, openfuelservice!
In addition to our already exciting and fascinating portfolio of open source software we now offer openfuelservice which is a new and very experimental advance in the world of fuel consumption and emission of cars. In the recent political and social discussion around these topics it became clear, that it is still hard for individual car…
HeiGIT and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team at the Geospatial World Forum 2019 in Amsterdam
Beginning of April, Amsterdam will become the gathering place for the global geospatial community. The Geospatial World Forum is organized for the 11th time and builds on previous successes that made it a leading event in sense of innovation, thematic focus and community engagement. The forum will enable geospatial professionals and leaders from public and…
CfP: Transactions in GIS special issue on “Open Source Geospatial Science, Software and Education”
Special issue information: The last decade has seen a rapid growth in open source geospatial software and data developments. Open geospatial data applies the principles of free and openness to geospatial information, allowing communities to collaborate on a data product. Applying the lessons learned in the open source industry to geo-data collection and maintenance has…
openelevationservice: enrich geometries with elevation
We published a new endpoint within the openrouteservice API ecosystem: openelevationservice. It queries a remote DEM for every vertex of a LineString or Point geometry. The underlying DEM is limited to SRTM v4.1 by CGIAR Consortium for Spatial Information as of now, though we’re working towards integrating more high-resolution datasets. openelevationservice returns the altitude of…
GIScience at 12. Vermessungsingenieurtag, 5. Geodätentag at Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
Melanie Eckle (HeiGIT/Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team) was invited to join the 12. Vermessungsingenieurtag, 5. Geodätentag of HFT Stuttgart tomorrow, this year´s topic being “Open Source, Open Data and Open Standards”. In this vein, she will provide an overview on the use of open geo data in the humanitarian context and the related work of the Humanitarian…
Freiwilligentag 2018 – Aufruf zur Teilnahme an der „Routenplaner-Erfassungsrallye“ der Stadt Heidelberg am 15.09.
Wie komme ich als Rollstuhlfahrerin oder Rollstuhlfahrer am besten vom Bismarckplatz zum Rathaus? Welche Wege ohne Hindernisse können Eltern mit Kinderwagen nutzen? Helfen soll dabei ein neuer Routenplaner der Stadt Heidelberg. Der Routenplaner basiert auf dem OpenRouteService der Abteilung Geoinformatik der Universität Heidelberg und wurde in einem gemeinsamen vom Ministerium für Inneres, Digitalisierung und Migration Baden-Württemberg geförderten Projekt um…