Tag: ohsome

  • New feature addition to Ohsome Quality analysT: Building Completeness Indicator

    Introduction Since the release of the ohsome quality analyst (short OQT) in February of last year, we have been working on developing an accessible yet powerful toolkit which provides end users insights on the quality of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. An overview of the functionality additions made to OQT over this period of time can be found…

  • How to become ohsome part 14 – Advanced dashboarding

    Hello again and welcome back to our “How to become ohsome” series where we demonstrate how you too can become ohsome with ohsome API! If you’re new to the series or need a refresher, check out the older installments in our series, like this or this one covering the various ways of accessing ohsome API. And now to our…

  • How to become ohsome part 13 – An ohsome way to check if OSM is up to date

    At long last, welcome to another addition of our How to become ohsome-series! This one is special because we’re discussing a third-party application that uses ohsome API as back-end to accumulate historical OSM data. Although this innovation isn’t directly about our API, it’s close enough (and exciting enough) to merit inclusion and just one more opportunity for…

  • ohsomeHeX lite-mode: Mobile friendly ohsomeHeX

    In the modern technological age, mobile application are necessary to reach out to the masses. Therefore, it’s critical for any web application to be available through mobile devices. In the case of ohsomeHeX, enabling use on mobile devices requires overcoming the challenging of screen space use. The application utilizes significant screen space for its side…

  • ohsome Region of the Month: hiking-related tags & mountains

    Welcome back to a new installment of the ohsome Region of the Month blog series! This will be part two our posts on hiking related tags and this time, we’ll investigate the connection between user activity and said tags. To do this, we’ll use mountain time as a reference area and incorporate insights from part one…

  • Recent feature additions to Ohsome Quality analysT

    Introduction Since the release of the ohsome quality analyst (short OQT) in February of last year, we have been working on developing an accessible yet powerful toolkit which provides end users insights on the quality of OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. An overview of the functionality additions made to OQT over this time period can be found…

  • ohsome Region of the month – Back on trail

    Welcome back to our Region of the Month series. If you’re hearing about this format the first time you should definitely check out some of our older blog posts, e.g. this one on the tagged forests of different places in Canada or this first part of a street network analysis! Since it’s May and getting warmer again,…

  • ohsome Region of the Month – Mapping of pandemic related facilities

    At long last, welcome back to out Region of the Month-series, where we look at different regions in the world and how tags are used there. Today we would like to look at Covid 19 related OpenStreetMap tags in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. More specifically, we would like to look at test stations and vaccination centers and…

  • How to become ohsome part 12 – Using length and area as a predefined filter

    Hello and welcome back to part 12 of our “How to become ohsome“-blog post series! If you’re new to this series, check out other blog posts of the series as well, in order to learn how you too, can become ohsome using the ohsome API! This time, we want to take a closer look at the filter options area…

  • ohsome quality analyst (OQT) auf der FOSSGIS Konferenz am 09.03.22

    Vom 9. bis zum 12. März 2022 findet die jährliche FOSSGIS Konferenz statt, die führende Konferenz für Freie und Open Source Software für Geoinformationssysteme und Open Data im deutschsprachigen Raum. HeiGIT wird dabei am 09.03. um 16:30–16:50 Bühne 2 ONLINE mit einem Vortrag vertreten sein zum Thema: “ohsome quality analyst (OQT): Die Qualität von OpenStreetMap…

  • How to become ohsome part 11 – counting contributions

    Hello and welcome back to the How to become ohsome-blog series! We hope the new year started off well for you! If you’re new to the series, you should read our other posts in the series, as well as the posts in our ohsome Region of the month series, like this one. As already mentioned in part one of the contributions…

  • How to become ohsome part 10 – ohsome holiday contributions

    Welcome back to our blog post series How to become ohsome, where you get short and simple explanations on how you can become ohsome yourself! This time, it’s all about our new endpoints, which enable you to track which contributions have been made with respect to a pre-defined region and time period. To explain the usage of…