Tag: navigation
Open Position GIScience HD: Navigation, Routing & mobile LBS with OpenStreetMap
Stellenausschreibung Geoinformatik, Universität Heidelberg Navigation, Routing & LBS mit OSM (VGI) Am Lehrstuhl Geoinformatik der Universität Heidelberg ist baldmöglichst eine Stelle als Wissenschaftl. Mitarbeiter (100%, TVL) – gerne als PostDoc – zu besetzen. Die relevanten Themengebiete beinhalten insbesondere Forschung und Entwicklung in min. einem der folgenden Bereiche (Schwerpunktsetzung möglich): • Navigation (In- / Outdoor) mit…
MyAccessible.EU OpenStreetMap Tools for People with Reduced Mobility Released
As part of the MyAccessible.EU project (CAP4Access) several tools have been developed at GIScience in Heidelberg. These tools aim at collecting information about accessibility of places and to assist in movement through environments for people with reduced mobility. These tools include a mobile (Android) and web application for the collection and display of obstacles in…
AGILE 2015 conference (and third place poster award)
Last week saw the 18th AGILE conference being held in Lisbon, Portugal. Starting on Tuesday with a number of parallel workshops, the conference ran until Friday and included a number of interesting talks, key note sessions and a number of social events. The presence of GIScience at Heidelberg University was felt through two workshops being…
Cap4Access Kick-Off Meeting in London
The new EU project CAP4Access was started with a kick-off meeting at University College London on Jan. 9. and 10. 2014. The objective of CAP4Access is to develop and pilot-test methods and tools for collectively gathering and sharing spatial information for improving accessibility. The aim is to exploit the power of online maps and mobile…
Open Thesis topics related to accessibility of mobility-restricted people
Within the frame of a new European project the GIScience group offers thesis topics related to accessibility of mobility-restricted people, in particular wheelchair users. If you are a student interested in doing a thesis (Bachelor, Master, Teacher etc.) related to such topics please contact Prof. Zipf or Dr. Bakillah. Here you find more information in…
Open PostDoc Position @ GIScience Heidelberg: VGI/OSM & Navigation/LBS/Routing
We offer an PostDoc Position in Geoinformatics on VGI / OSM / Navigation / Routing / LBS. The position is funded for at least three years. More information can be found here. We are looking forward to your applications.