Tag: Multidirectional change
New Paper: Correspondence-driven plane-based M3C2 for lower uncertainty in 3D topographic change quantification
Check out our new paper presenting a novel approach (correspondence-driven plane-based M3C2) to lower the uncertainty in 3D topographic change quantification (get free access here until 2 February 2022) Zahs, V., Winiwarter, L., Anders, K., Williams, J.G., Rutzinger, M. & Höfle, B. (2022): Correspondence-driven plane-based M3C2 for lower uncertainty in 3D topographic change quantification. ISPRS…
4D change analysis for improving our understanding of dynamic landscapes
Time series of topographic point clouds offer great possibilities to advance our understanding of dynamic landscapes. To exploit the full information these 4D datasets contain on spatial and temporal properties of natural surface changes, the 3DGeo research group is developing methods for 4D change analysis. These methods are required to answer fundamental questions on the…
Disaggregating surface change mechanisms of a rock glacier
How can multiple processes related to the deformation of an active rock glacier operating over different timescales be separated from each other? A preprint on the disaggregation of surface change mechanisms of a rock glacier has recently been published on Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions, an interactive open access journal of the European Geosciences Union. It…
Video on research of 3DGeo on change analysis methods at an active rock glacier
Always been curious about how we develop our methods for 3D/4D change analysis? Then check out our new video on high-resolution and high-frequency monitoring of a rock glacier in Austria! Link to video LiDAR datasets of the rock glacier provide the basis for the development of 3D and 4D methods for geomorphic change quantification within…
High-frequency and high-resolution monitoring of rock glacier dynamics
How do the dynamics of surface change on a rock glacier look like over an entire summer season? And how is rockfall activity and storage and talus supply from the headwall of a rock glacier related to patterns of its movement? These and other questions are currently investigated within the AHK-4D and Geomorph4D projects of…
Multi‐temporal 3D point cloud‐based quantification and analysis of geomorphological activity at an alpine rock glacier using airborne and terrestrial LiDAR
Change analysis of rock glaciers is crucial to analyzing the adaptation of surface and subsurface processes to changing environmental conditions at different timescales because rock glaciers are considered as potentially unstable slopes and solid water reservoirs. To quantify surface change in complex surface topographies with varying surface orientation and roughness, a full three‐dimensional (3D) change…
Kick-off field campaign for AHK-4D project
From 22 – 25 June, the first field visit within the project AHK-4D – High-resolution and high-frequency monitoring of the rock glacier Äußeres Hochebenkar (AHK) in Austria took place in the Austrian Alps. The aim of this project is to develop a methodology to quantify the magnitudes and frequencies of individual surface change processes of…