Tag: Geomorphology
New paper: Capturing complex star dune dynamics – repeated highly accurate surveys combining multitemporal 3D topographic measurements and local wind data
Morphologies of highly complex star dunes are the result of aeolian dynamics in past and present times. These dynamics reflect climatic conditions and associated forces like sediment availability and vegetation cover, as well as feedbacks with adjacent environments. However, an understanding of aeolian dynamics on star dune morphometries is still lacking sufficient detail, and their…
3DGeo at AGU21 Fall Meeting
The 3DGeo research group is part of the AGU Fall Meeting from 13 – 17 December 2021 with the following topics and contributions: 1) Hypersurface Observation Network (Hyperon) — What it is and why we need it (Monday, 13 December 2021 16:00 – 18:00 CST) In the terrestrial domain, large biogeochemical and energetic uncertainties surround the…
The impact of recent gully filling practices on wheat yield at the Campiña landscape in Southern Spain
The significance of gully filling practices on agricultural production has been only rarely evaluated in literature. In this study, a medium-sized catchment was selected, for being representative of the conventional farming practices on annual crops in the Campiña landscape in Southern Spain. During two wheat campaigns, an analysis of the spatial and temporal evolution of…
Video on research of 3DGeo on change analysis methods at an active rock glacier
Always been curious about how we develop our methods for 3D/4D change analysis? Then check out our new video on high-resolution and high-frequency monitoring of a rock glacier in Austria! Link to video LiDAR datasets of the rock glacier provide the basis for the development of 3D and 4D methods for geomorphic change quantification within…
Student field trip to Northern England
From 2nd – 9th March 2020, students of our department took part in an excursion to Northern England. Among the areas visited under the lead of Dr. Jack Williams were the Peak and Lake Districts, the North York Moors National Parks and Durham County. Preliminary seminars provided the students with background knowledge on the topics…
Concluding field work in the dunes around Erg Chebbi
The last days of field work in Erg Chebbi continued at the star dune to wrap up final tasks: filling gaps in the data, adding some dune arms to the ground penetrating radar data, … All data acquisition at the star dune was concluded successfully, although the group was off to a late start. The…
Halftime reports from Erg Chebbi
After three days of hard work in the field, Sunday was halftime workshop at HeidelErg. with diverse topics all around dunes, with and beyond the data collected in ErgChebbi. Manuel Herzog introduced the first results from the geophysical measurements with regards to dune stratification. Ground penetrating radar in combination with Electrical Resistivity Tomography already shows…
First results of our multi-method field course in an aeolian sand dune field
During the first three days of the field course in Erg Chebi, data collection focussed on the star dune with groups of students applying different techniques of geophysical and topographic surveying. Today, data was checked to plan the remaining three field days. A recap of this intermediate data revision will follow. For today, we’d like…
Multi-method field course in an aeolian sand dune field
This week, the research groups Geomorphology and 3DGeo of the Institute of Geography at Heidelberg University are conducting a field course in the aeolian sand dune field Erg Chebbi in Morocco. The current field course is the second edition of “HeidelErg“. The aim is to teach students different methods of data acquisition for physical geography,…
Colloquium on image processing for geomorphological and hydrological monitoring
We cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk! The speaker is Dr. Anette Eltner TU Dresden, Institute of Photogrammetry und Remote Sensing When: Monday 01.07.2019, 2:15 pm Where: INF 348, room 015 (Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University) Image processing for geomorphological and hydrological monitoring The potential of images to answer research questions…
ISSAR19 – Third Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research
Close-range sensing techniques in Alpine terrain have been taught in the frame of a bi-annual ISPRS summer school since 2015. This week, a group of 40 young researchers (mainly PhD students) is participating in the third edition of the summer school to learn about various sensors, processing techniques, and analysis methods for different topics in…