Tag: Conference
3DGeo contributions to ISPRS Congress 2022 now online
From 5 June – 11 June 2022 the ISPRS Congress took place in Nice, France. The 3DGeo research group had three paper contributions which can now be found online: (1) Virtual Laser Scanning of Dynamic Scenes Created From Real 4D Topographic Point Cloud Data. Find all details in the video (link) and paper and check…
Preview of 3DGeo @ EGU 2022 – Meet us there
The 3DGeo Research Group will present some of their latest research at EGU General Assembly 2022. We are looking forward to meet you at the following talks: Virtual Laser Scanning using HELIOS++ – Applications in Machine Learning and Forestry: The presentation provides an introduction to VLS, possible use cases, pitfalls and best practices for successful…
3DGeo at AGU21 Fall Meeting
The 3DGeo research group is part of the AGU Fall Meeting from 13 – 17 December 2021 with the following topics and contributions: 1) Hypersurface Observation Network (Hyperon) — What it is and why we need it (Monday, 13 December 2021 16:00 – 18:00 CST) In the terrestrial domain, large biogeochemical and energetic uncertainties surround the…
TdLab Geography at the ITD21 conference
From 13 to 17 September 2021, the “International Transdisciplinarity Conference ITD21” took place in online format. The TdLab Geography participated with the contribution “Towards a co-design of adaptation measures to heat events in cities: examples from Heidelberg, Germany”. In a self-produced video, Nicole Aeschbach and Kathrin Foshag presented two studies on climate change adaptation from…
Time Series-Based Coastal Surface Change Analysis @ISPRS2021
Our work on “Time Series-Based Coastal Surface Change Analysis using Hourly Terrestrial Laser Scans” was featured with a live presentation at this year’s digital event of the ISPRS Congress. The presentation by Katharina Anders was further made available as pre-recorded video, which you can now watch on the 3DGeo YouTube channel: The presented work is…
Ein Jahr WebApp „meinGrün“ – finale Befragung und Ergebnispräsentation
Im Juni 2020 haben wir mit unseren Partnern aus dem meinGrün Projekt die gleichnamige WebApp gestartet. Nun sind die Nutzenden in Dresden und Heidelberg aufgerufen, sich ein letztes Mal an einer Befragung zu beteiligen und so Hinweise für die mögliche künftige Weiterentwicklung zu geben. Am 28. Juni werden wir zudem mit unseren Projektpartnern die Ergebnisse…
AGILE best short paper award nominees
We are happy to announce that two of our papers have been shortlisted as candidates for the best short paper award at the AGILE 2021 conference : Detecting OpenStreetMap missing buildings by transferring pre-trained deep neural networks Jan Pisl, Hao Li, Sven Lautenbach, Benjamin Herfort, and Alexander Zipf. AGILE GIScience Ser., 2, 39, https://doi.org/10.5194/agile-giss-2-39-2021, 2021 Assessing shop completeness…
COVID-19 – Geographien der Zäsur: CfP
Call for papers für vier Sessions zu “COVID-19 – Geographien der Zäsur” im Rahmen der #GeoWoche2021 Die COVID-19-Pandemie verändert nun bereits im zweiten Jahr Gesellschaften weltweit in tiefgreifender Weise. Diese Veränderungen sind so fundamental und betreffen so viele Bereiche des Lebens, dass sie als Zäsur bezeichnet werden können. In vier thematischen Sitzungen im Rahmen der…
Estimating trade-offs of land use at global scale
Land use decision involve trade-off with respect to the ecosystem service produced by the different land use systems. Agricultural use versus natural ecosystems is the main alternative for which trade-offs need to be estimated. Given the varying climatic and soil conditions this trade-off differs in space. Therefore, it is essential how agricultural land use is…
GIScience/HeiGIT at GeOnG Conference 2020
Next week the biennial conference GeOnG will take place for the seventh time. On Monday and Tuesday 11/02-11/03 participants will join in over 30 live sessions around the topics of technology and information management in the humanitarian and development sector. This year’s theme is People at the heart of Information Management: promoting responsible and inclusive…
geoActive, neues Open Space-Konzept für Fachaustausch Geoinformation Heidelberg am 28.11.2019
Der Fachaustausch Geoinformation Heidelberg des GeoNet.MRN wird dieses Jahr geoActive! Im Fokus sind dieses Jahr Themen Mobilität und Baustellen in der Session mobiActive! sowie Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit in der Session climateActive! geoActive orientiert sich am Konzept der Open Space-Konferenz. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen! Treffen Sie Fachleute und Gleichgesinnte. Bringen Sie Ihr eigenes Thema mit! Tauschen…
CFP: GIS track ISCRAM 2020, 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Virginia, USA
CALL FOR PAPERS for the GIS track at: 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2020) May 24-27, 2020, Virginia, USA https://www.drrm.fralin.vt.edu/iscram2020/ Track: Geospatial Technologies and Geographic Information Science for Crisis Management (GIS) https://www.drrm.fralin.vt.edu/iscram2020/files/CFP/ISCRAM2020-Geospatial_Technologies_and_GIS.pdf Deadline for paper submissions: December 6, 2019 Track Description With disasters and disaster management being an…