VGI ALIVE workshop Draft Agenda is available – Join us @AGILE in Lund, Sweden
The organizers are happy to announce that list of accepted papers at the VGI ALIVE workshop are available. Therefore a prelimnary draft agenda of the workshop at AGILE 2018 in Lund has been posted. Looks like an interesting and promising programme! Stay tuned for further updates and join us for discussions and collaborative sessions in…
Enhancing Crowdsourced Classification on Human Settlements Utilizing Logistic Regression Aggregation and Intrinsic Context Factors
Among semi-automated methods and pre-processed data products, crowdsourcing is another tool which can help to collect information on human settlements and complement existing data, yet it’s accuracy is debated. Whereas the potential of crowdsourced datasets for training of machine learning algorithms has been explored recently, only few work has been done towards utilizing machine learning…
Deadline Extended to April 23: VGI-ALIVE Workshop @AGILE 2018
The Deadline for submitting short papers to the VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE 2018 has been extended to 23 April 2018! This is your chance to submit another contribution to this exiting workshop in Lund, Sweden. Submission format is a workshop short paper (2000 to 3000-word manuscript). Authors of accepted workshop papers will be invited to…
Reminder Deadline 30.03.2018: 2nd CFP – VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE, Lund.
VGI-ALIVE – AnaLysis, Integration, Vision, Engagement Tuesday 12th June 2018, Lund, Sweden, Workshop at AGILE 2018 Introduction to the VGI-ALIVE Workshop The steady rise of data volume shared on already established and new Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms calls for advanced analysis methods of user contribution patterns, leads to continued challenges in data fusion, and…
CFP: VGI-ALIVE Workshop at AGILE 2018, Lund, Sweden
VGI-ALIVE – AnaLysis, Integration, Vision, Engagement Tuesday 12th June 2018, Lund, Sweden, Workshop at AGILE 2018 Introduction to the VGI-ALIVE Workshop The steady rise of data volume shared on already established and new Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms calls for advanced analysis methods of user contribution patterns, leads to continued challenges in data fusion, and…
3rd CFP: Journal Special Issue “VGI Analytics” in Geo-Spatial Information Science and AGILE workshop
VGI-Analytics 2017 Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media data have become part of our everyday lives over the past few years. Whereas in the early beginnings of crowd-sourced data the collection occurred primarily to isolated, individual platforms, contribution patterns are now beginning to be more intertwined between different platforms, both at the application level…
10 Days to Deadline for Link-VGI Workshop Short Papers at AGILE 2016
A little reminder that the Deadline for Short Papers for the Link-VGI Pre Conference Workshop at AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2016. Helsinki is approaching! The main theme is “LINKing and analyzing Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) across different platforms” and the workshop shall focus, but is not limited to, the following topics and…
Save the Date: Link-VGI: LINKing and analyzing Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) across different platforms, Workshop at AGILE 2016 Conference
Our workshop proposal for the 19th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science 2016 in Helsinki has been accepted. Save the date: June 14th 2016 in Helsinki Finland. The number of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms is continuously growing, providing massive datasets of georeferenced content that is either actively contributed (e.g. adding…
2nd. Call for Papers: RICH-VGI Workshop @ AGILE 2015, Lisboa
2nd Call for Papers: Enriching VGI @ AGILE 2015 Workshop We call for papers for the Workshop: RICH-VGI: enRICHment of volunteered geographic information (VGI): Techniques, practices and current state of knowledge Workshop @ the 18th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science Lisboa, Portugal. Tuesday 9 June 2015 In recent years we have witnessed the rapid…