Category: Teaching

  • Multi-method field course in an aeolian sand dune field

    This week, the research groups Geomorphology and 3DGeo of the Institute of Geography at Heidelberg University are conducting a field course in the aeolian sand dune field Erg Chebbi in Morocco. The current field course is the second edition of “HeidelErg“. The aim is to teach students different methods of data acquisition for physical geography,…

  • Colloquium Talk about Building a baseline of health facility data in OpenStreetMap by M. Herringer

    We are happy to invited to the presentation in the GIScience HD colloquium. Everybody interested is invited to join the presentations and the discussion afterwards. Building a baseline of health facility data in OpenStreetMap Markus Herringer,, Amsterdam, NL – Monday, February 10, 2020. 2.15 pm -Lecture Hall (room 015), Im Neuenheimer Feld 348, Institute…

  • Urban flooding in Handschuhsheim – Using User-Generated Geographic Data in Flood Risk Management

    A week ago, students from the seminar “User-Generated Geographic Data in Disaster Risk Management and Humanitarian Aid” carried out a survey about urban flood risk in Handschuhsheim. The “field day” was organised by Carolin Klonner and Melanie Eckle (the teachers of the seminar) in cooperation with Kai Schaupp and Dr. Raino Winkler of the environmental…

  • Graduate Celebration 2019

    On 29 November 2019, we celebrated together with the graduates of 2018/2019 of Bachelor and Master of Science in Geography, and also School Education (Lehramt) at the ceremony in the venue of the Neue Aula of Heidelberg University. Moreover, Prof. Carl Zillich gave an interesting talk about perspectives, controversies and visions of the International Building…

  • disastermappers heidelberg get-together 2019: 03.Dec 2019

    Hello dear friends of disaster mapping, Another busy disastermappers heidelberg year is coming to an end. After events and meetings in  Heidelberg as well as Würzburg, Kiel, Salzburg and Berlin all around the topic of disaster mapping, we want to use the start in the Advent season to get feedback on the past events and…

  • Marcel Reinmuth: Talk about internship at Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Uganda

    GIScience HD/HeiGIT sind seit geraumer Zeit Partner des Humanitarian Open StreetMap Team (HOT) und arbeiten an gemeinsamen Projekten zur Verbesserung von Geoinformationstechnologien und der Verfügbarkeit von Geodaten (insb. OpenStreetMap) für humanitäre Einsätze, insbesondere im globalen Süden, z.B. über die Missing Maps Initiative. Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung Geographie in verschiedenen Berufsfeldern des Geographischen Instituts berichtet Marcel Reinmuth aus…

  • Standortübergreifender Mapathon im Rahmen der Geography Awareness Week

    im Rahmen der Geography Awareness Week laden die Geographie-Fachschaften der Standorte Göttingen, Hannover, Würzburg und Heidelberg und die disastermappers heidelberg herzlich zum standortübergreifenden Mapathon ein! An diesem Mapathon werden wir gemeinschaftlich mit Hilfe von OpenStreetMap und fernerkundlichen Methoden neue Kartendaten für vernachlässigte Krisenregionen erstellen und somit humanitäre Hilfsorganisationen in ihrer Arbeit unterstützen. Welches Gebiet genau…

  • Tools for Disaster Risk Reduction by HeiGIT – Celebrating the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

    Today we celebrate the International Day for #DisasterRiskReduction. HeiGIT offers a growing set of tools and services that support humanitarian aid during and before disasters. Examples include work in the context of the Missing Maps initiative, like conceptualising and extending microtasking apps like MapSwipe, as well as services for analysing MapSwipe data and making it…

  • Brownbag Presentation by Jennings Anderson (University of Colorado Boulder) on OpenStreetMap data analysis

    We cordially invite you to a Brownbag presentation by our Guest Researcher Dr. Jennings Anderson! When? Tuesday, 8/10/2019, 1-2.30 pm Where? Seminar room 15, INF 348 Jennings is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Colorado Boulder exploring new approaches to analytical infrastructures for big, peer-produced geospatial datasets, specifically OpenStreetMap. His dissertation work involved designing…

  • Nicole and Werner Aeschbach contributed to the LCOY Heidelberg

    Nicole Aeschbach (Head of TdLab Geography) and Werner Aeschbach (Professor at the Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University) contributed to the Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) which took place from 4 to 6 October 2019 in Heidelberg. In their talk, Nicole and Werner presented the basic science of climate change, covering observations and impacts of…

  • Conversing about place – Talk by Prof. Stephan Winter, Melbourne in GIScience Colloquium Heidelberg 30.09.2019

    We cordially invite everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk! The speaker is Prof. Dr. Stephan Winter from Melbourne University, Australia. When: Monday 30.09.2019, 2:00 pm Where: INF 348, room 015 (Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University) Title: Conversing about place ‘Place’ is used here as antithesis to traditional, geometry-based geographic information systems’ capture,…

  • TdLab Geography contributes to HeKKSaGOn Conference

    Dr. Nicole Aeschbach (TdLab Geography) conceives and leads the “Students’ Workshop” within the framework of the “7th German-Japanese University Presidents’ Conference” of the HeKKSaGOn network on September 12 and 13, 2019 in Heidelberg. In this university consortium, Heidelberg University, the University of Göttingen and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have joined forces with three of…