Category: Research

  • Mapping land-use from OpenStreetMap

    An approach toward generating land-use patterns from volunteered geographic information (VGI) without applying remote-sensing techniques and/or engaging official data has just been published in the latest issue of the International Journal of Geographic Information Science. Collaboratively collected OpenStreetMap (OSM) data sets are employed to map land-use patterns. Initially the spatial pattern of the landscape was…

  • Open Data Opportunities for LBS

    The advent of web technologies and the promotion of data sharing practices have fostered open data initiatives. The main motivation of governments in sharing data with the public is to stimulate economic growth by enabling the creation of new products. One of the areas that could benefit from open data initiatives is that of location-based…

  • OpenMapSurfer is OSM Image of the Week

    A map rendering with hillshading by is currently the OSM Image of the Week. It is featured on this weeks OpenStreetMap Wiki main page. Congratulations to our team member Maxim Rylov! The images shows the OpenMapSurfer Layer: “OSM Roads (new)” with “ASTER GDEM & SRTM Hillshade (experimental)” overlay. The region displayed is in Greece.…

  • Call for participation: Digital Earth Science Forum in Osnabrück

    Digital Earth Science Forum “Digital Earth Innovations” in Osnabrueck on the 4th of December 2013. The Digital Earth Science Forum is aimed at students and young researchers as well as experienced scientists in the research field of Digital Earth. The forum provides the possibility to listen to innovative presentations by invited speakers, discuss participants’ scientific…

  • New Video: Geography meets 3D High-Tech at the University of Heidelberg

    The students of this year’s LiDAR course “HydroChange 2013” present their research project on a multi-media website including a film documentary of their field work. Enjoy Geography meeting 3D High-Tech!

  • New PhD student position in GIScience

    We offer a new position in the area of crowdsourcing of 3D geoinformation within the PhD Graduate School Crowdanalyser. More info can be found here: 2013_crowdanalyser_phd_position. Deadline: 30 Oct. 2013

  • Digital Geoarchaeology 2013 Conference in Heidelberg

    Our GIScience group is supporting the conference Digital Geoarchaeology 2013 – New Technologies for Interdisciplinary Human-Environmental Research, which takes place in Heidelberg from 7-8 November 2013. The LiDAR Research Group will co-organize a one-day workshop on LiDAR in Geoarchaeology – Terrestrial Laser Scanning in Theory and Practice on 9 November 2013. Having its major focus…

  • GIScience -Symposium 2013 in Salzburg, Austria

    Bernd, Kristina, Enrico, Günther and Johannes from our group were happy to participate in the two-day GIScience -Symposium 2013, which was organized by the Doctoral College GIScience, University of Salzburg. Salzburg’s GIScience PhD students provided insights into their topics and presented interesting intermediate research outcomes, covering a wide range of topics. Talks in the field…

  • Visiting the National University of Ireland, Maynooth

    The Alexander von Humboldt foundation has granted a short European research stay at the department of computer science, National University of Ireland in Maynooth, in support of the osmAGENT project. Jamal as the manager of the osmAGENT project visited the target institute in particular Dr. Peter Mooney and his colleagues in order to collaborate further…

  • About identifying man-made objects from mobile LiDAR data

    A new automated approach for the detection and classification of man-made objects in urban corridors from point clouds acquired by vehicle-borne Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) has recently been suggested by Fan and Yao. The approach is designed based on a-priori knowledge in urban areas: (i) man-made objects feature geometric regularity like vertical planar structures (e.g.…

  • Multi-Sensor Survey of Limestone Quarry

    Researchers of the GIScience group (Institute of Geography, University of Heidelberg) captured parts of the limestone quarry of HeidelbergCement in Nussloch near Heidelberg in cooperation with the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) developing company MAVinci. The aim of analysing the data is to find a cost-effective, time-saving but precise method to survey a quarry, including volume…

  • Road-based travel recommendation using geo-tagged images from social media

    Geotagged photos on social media like Flickr explicitly indicate the trajectories of tourists. They can be employed to reveal the tourists’ preference on landmarks and routings of tourism. Most of existing works on routing searches from social media are based on the trajectories of GPS-enabled devices’ users. We attempt to propose a novel approach in…