Category: Research

  • LiDAR Processing Short Course – Combining 3D Laser Scanning with Geological Research

    Following up on the joint field trip to the Peloponnese in Greece this spring, the GIScience Group, welcomed Lisa Bingham and Andreas Habel, two scientists from the University of Stavanger, Department of Petroleum Engineering, for a two-day workshop (Dec 9 and 10, 2015) on LiDAR processing. The main objective of the LiDAR workshop was to…

  • Collaboration with World Seastems project team on analysis of geo-tagged shipping information

    During end of November and the first week of December, Amin Mobasheri was invited by Dr. César Ducruet to have a short research stay at French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) – Institute of Complex Systems, Paris. The visit included presentation of the results of the on-going LLOYDS lists project running at GIScience research group Heidelberg…

  • CrowdAnalyser Talk and Workshop on Big Data and Socioeconomic Analysis by Professor Paul Longley

    By the end of November, Professor Paul Longley and his colleague Guy Lansley (both from Department of Geography, University College London) visited our group as part of the last CrowdAnalyser workshop. Both of them gave really inspiring talks. Paul talked about the provenance and use of big data (largely focussing on social media). Guy, in…

  • 3D-WebGIS for Archeology – the example of MayaArch3D

    Archaeological projects increasingly collect airborne LiDAR data to use as a remote sensing tool for survey and analysis. Publication possibilities for LiDAR datasets, however, are limited due to the large size and often proprietary nature of the data. Fortunately, web-based, geographic information systems (WebGIS) that can securely manage temporal and spatial data hold great promise…

  • Vorbesprechung GP/Übung: Physiogeographische Geodatenerfassung im Hochgebirge (Ötztal)

    Die Veranstaltung “Physiogeographische Geodatenerfassung im Hochgebirge (Ötztal)” wird im Sommersemester 2016 zwischen 31.07.2016 und 06.08.2016 in Obergurgl, Tirol, Österreich, durchgeführt. Die verpflichtende Vorbesprechung findet am Fr. 11.12, 12:00 s.t., R015/INF348, statt. Die Veranstaltung ist eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen Geoinformatik und Physiogeographie und bietet erstmals die einzigartige Möglichkeit verschiedenste Methoden der Geodatenerfassung an einem der schönsten und…

  • Support für Wheelmap – #MapMyDay

    Unser CAP4Access Projektpartner, der Berliner Verein Sozialhelden e.V., entwickelt seit mehreren Jahren die online frei verfügbare „“. Diese Karte basiert auf der OpenStreetMap und wird von Freiwilligen erstellt, die Informationen über die Barrierefreiheit von Orten, die sie schon selbst besucht haben, eintragen. Die Wheelmap enthält die Ziele, die barrierefrei erreicht werden können, unser OpenRouteService Wheelchair…

  • Castle accessibility mapping is part of a short documentary

    Our efforts related to the mapping of the accessibility of places and ways at Heidelberg castle are now part of a short documentary produced by Beirat von Menschen mit Behinderung Heidelberg (Advisory Board of people with disabilities Heidelberg), with whom we cooperate in the scope of the CAP4ACCESS project. As a follow-up of this event,…

  • Public Workshop – Multidimensional Perceptibility of Cultural Heritage (MUSIEKE)

    Workshop: Kulturerbe: Erfassbar – Sichtbar – Erfahrbar Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen aus Forschungsprojekten zur Sicht- und Erfahrbarmachung von Kulturerbe 1. Dezember 2015 09:30-15:00 Uhr ZAK | Zentrum für Angewandte Kulturwissenschaft und Studium Generale Rüppurrer Str. 1a, Haus B 76137 Karlsruhe Zur Anmeldung Flyer (PDF, ca. 1MB) Programm 9:30-9:45 Get Together 9:45-9:55 Prof. Dr. Caroline Y. Robertson-von…

  • High-end survey capacities at GIScience for research and teaching in and around Heidelberg

    At the chair of GIScience, highly accurate RTK GNSS surveying is used for teaching and research. In the area in and around Heidelberg, surveys within the same coordinate reference system are now possible thanks to a fixed point recently installed by the group on the top of a university building. Teaching projects similar to the…

  • 3D-MicroMapping of Big 3D Geo-Datasets in the Web (3D-MAPP)

    Our new research project 3D-MAPP develops a web-based methodology to obtain digital geodata via the combination of data analysis by human and machine. Through a quick and easy-to-use 3D Web visualization users are able – in a few seconds – to solve 3D micro mapping tasks, which can hardly or even not be solved by…

  • GIScience HD participated in 1st International Land Use Symposium

    Between November 11-13 our group actively participated in the 1st edition of the International Land Use Symposium (#ILUS2015) held in Dresden. The symposium was organized by the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IÖR, also based in Dresden), who greatly braved the challenges of organizing this symposium for the first time and who…

  • Invitation to 2nd CrowdAnalyser Workshop with speaker Prof. Paul Longley (UCL London)

    On behalf of the research training group “CrowdAnalyser” at Heidelberg University (, we would like to invite you to participate in our second “CrowdAnalyser Workshop 2015”. The objective of this workshop is to bring together academics and practitioners that are interested in exploring knowledge and developing methods, operational frameworks and systems for spatio-temporal data generated…