Category: Research
Continuing ground-based measurements at Arctic research site
For the fourth consecutive year, ground-based measurements of the dynamic, permafrost-underlain tundra landscape have been continued in Trail Valley (68°44’25” N 133°29’36” W). A team of permafrost researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) for Polar and Marine Research around PD Dr. Julia Boike conducted the measurements as part of a large expedition to the Canadian Northwest…
Meet HeiGIT/GIScience @HOT Summit/ FOSS4G in Dar es Salaam
HeiGIT/GIScience Research Group is looking forward to present our latest research, services and developments at the HOT Summit/ FOSS4G in beautiful Dar es Salaam. Sabrina Marx and Melanie Eckle of the Geoinformation for Humanitarian Aid group will provide an overview of our latest projects and ideas, and current collaborative projects with the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team.…
The Dimension of a Space Can Be Inferred From the Abstract Network Structure
Study shows that spatial reference can be structurally identified in a number of datasets F.-B. Mocnik: The Polynomial Volume Law of Complex Networks in the Context of Local and Global Optimization. Scientific Reports (2018) 8:11274, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-29131-0 Networks describe relations between objects. They show how objects relate to one another and which ones are mutually…
New ‘Transformations to Sustainability’ project “Waterproofing Data” with UK and Brazil
Recently a project proposal to the Belmont Forum and NORFACE joint programme Transformations to Sustainability (T2S) call has been accepted. The project “Waterproofing Data” investigates the governance of water-related risks, with a focus on social and cultural aspects of data practices. Typically, data flows up from local levels to scientific “centres of expertise”, and then flood-related…
Towards the statistical analysis and visualization of places
The concept of place recently gains momentum in GIScience. In some fields like human geography, spatial cognition or information theory, this topic already has a longer scholarly tradition. This is however not yet completely the case with statistical spatial analysis and cartography. Despite that, taking full advantage of the plethora of user-generated information that we…
Perspective Article: Volunteered Geographic Information for Disaster Risk Reduction
Over the past few years, the Missing Maps approach has repeatedly proved its potential for humanitarian assistance and disaster management. While the project was launched by only four organizations, there are now 17 member organizations in Missing Maps, and nearly 60,000 mappers. The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement have recognized the potential of the…
Live from the Ötztal Alps (#5): Exploring high-mountain 3D GIScience
On our last day in the Ötztal Alps, we had an exciting excursion from Obergurgl to Ramolhaus on 3006 m a.s.l. On our way up we could directly explore glacial history by passing the historical extents and related moraines of the retreating Gurgler glacier. The students also learned about geoarcheology and settlement history in the…
Live from the Ötztal Alps (#4): Exploring high-mountain 3D GIScience
We are blogging live from Ramolhaus at 3006 m a.s.l. After a 4-hours hiking tour with 1100 height meters we are now enjoying the impressive view over glaciers with “Kaiserschmarren” for lunch.
Openrouteservice Developers Dashboard Revamped
Over the past few months the openrouteservice team has worked on a new developers dashboard in order to make the registration and usage of the API more easy and accessible. Now the developers using the openrouteservice API will experience a more intuitive, responsive interface and with a more polished better look and feel to view…
Live from the Ötztal Alps (#3): Exploring high mountain 3D geoinformation
On the last day of fieldwork in the rotmoos valley two groups (terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and photogrammetry) set off to the rotmoos glacier again. A second TLS dataset was aqcuired which enables the students to perform a change detection or deformation analysis. The electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) group futher explored the pre-Quaternary relief in…
Live from the Ötztal Alps (#2): Exploring high mountain 3D geoinformation
Today was the second day of field work in the Rotmoos valley in the Ötztal Alps for our 16 students. The hot sun challenged the data acquisition but the impressive landscape makes up for every effort. The terrestrial laser scanning group climbed up the valley flanks to acquire a high resolution point cloud from an…
New Jupyter Notebook: Analysis of Access to Health Care using OpenRouteService Isochrones API
We published a new jupyter notebook which depicts how to use the OpenRouteService Isochrones API to analyse health care acessibility in Madagascar. In the case of a disaster (natural or man made), a country is not only affected by the intensity of the disaster but also by it’s own vulnerability to it. Countries have different…