Category: Research

  • MapSwipe wins Global Mobile Award for the Best Mobile Innovation Supporting Emergency or Humanitarian Situations

    This week, at the prestigious GSMA MWC series (formally known as Mobile World Congress) MapSwipe was awarded the top prize in the Global Mobile Awards’ category for the Best Mobile Innovation Supporting Emergency or Humanitarian Situations. The award recognizes how mobile connectivity can provide a lifeline in major humanitarian disasters, providing access to critical information and…

  • Volunteered Geographic Information research in the first decade: a narrative review of selected journal articles in GIScience

    More than 10 years have passed since the coining of the term volunteered geographic information (VGI) in 2007. A recently published article presents the results of a review of the literature concerning VGI. A total of 346 articles published in 24 international refereed journals in GIScience between 2007 and 2017 have been reviewed. The review has…

  • Treeathlon – 3D tree mapathon

    On Tuesday, 25.02.2020, the 3DGeo group and the SYSSIFOSS project partner from KIT organised a collaborative data processing event. 24 participants spent 6 hours (10:00-16:00) extracting individual trees from airborne LiDAR forest point clouds. In the SYSSIFOSS project, the segmented 3D tree models are required to simulate 3D forest stands when combined with a forest…

  • Concluding field work in the dunes around Erg Chebbi

    The last days of field work in Erg Chebbi continued at the star dune to wrap up final tasks: filling gaps in the data, adding some dune arms to the ground penetrating radar data, … All data acquisition at the star dune was concluded successfully, although the group was off to a late start. The…

  • Halftime reports from Erg Chebbi

    After three days of hard work in the field, Sunday was halftime workshop at HeidelErg. with diverse topics all around dunes, with and beyond the data collected in ErgChebbi. Manuel Herzog introduced the first results from the geophysical measurements with regards to dune stratification. Ground penetrating radar in combination with Electrical Resistivity Tomography already shows…

  • Behavioural Effects of Spatially Structured Scoring Systems in Location-Based Serious Games – A Case Study in the Context of OpenStreetMap

    Location-based games have become popular in recent years, with Pokémon Go and Ingress being two very prominent examples. Some location-based games, known as Serious Games, go beyond entertainment and serve additional purposes such as data collection. Such games are also found in the OpenStreetMap context and playfully enrich the project’s geodatabase. Examples include Kort and…

  • First results of our multi-method field course in an aeolian sand dune field

    During the first three days of the field course in Erg Chebi, data collection focussed on the star dune with groups of students applying different techniques of geophysical and topographic surveying. Today, data was checked to plan the remaining three field days. A recap of this intermediate data revision will follow. For today, we’d like…

  • Multi-method field course in an aeolian sand dune field

    This week, the research groups Geomorphology and 3DGeo of the Institute of Geography at Heidelberg University are conducting a field course in the aeolian sand dune field Erg Chebbi in Morocco. The current field course is the second edition of “HeidelErg“. The aim is to teach students different methods of data acquisition for physical geography,…

  • New project: LOKI – Airborne Observation of Critical Infrastructures

    On Feb 12, 2020, the kick-off meeting for the newly funded BMBF project LOKI – Airborne Observation of Critical Infrastructures (Luftgestützte Observation Kritischer Infrastrukturen) was hosted by the GIScience and 3DGeo research groups of Heidelberg University. The aim of the LOKI project is to develop an interdisciplinary system that enables fast and reliable airborne situation…

  • HELIOS used in a study on hetero-integration which enables fast switching time-of-flight sensors for light detection and ranging

    The Heidelberg LiDAR Operations Simulator (HELIOS) is an open source laser scanning simulation framework for interactive simulation and visualization of terrestrial, mobile and airborne laser scanning surveys. It can be flexibly used for teaching and training of laser scanning, development of new scanner hardware and scanning methods, or generation of artificial scan data sets to…

  • Multitemporal Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds for Thaw Subsidence Observation

    New paper on “Multitemporal Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds for Thaw Subsidence Observation at Arctic Permafrost Monitoring Sites” The paper investigates different methods for quantifying thaw subsidence using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) point clouds. Thaw subsidence is a slow (mm‐cm per year) vertical displacement of the ground surface common in ice‐rich permafrost‐underlain landscapes. It is…

  • 3DGeo licensed drone pilots

    During the last weeks, members of the 3DGeo group were found studying for the “Kenntnisnachweisprüfung”, the official examination for drone pilots in Germany. Today, we are proud to announce that all six applicants from our group have passed both the theoretical test as well as a practical exam where they had to show their capability…