Category: Research
Humanitarian OSM Stats: How to monitor humanitarian mapping in the HOT Tasking Manager? – Part 1
Since 2010 organized humanitarian mapping has evolved as a constant and growing element of the global OpenStreetMap (OSM) community. With more than 7,000 projects in 150 countries humanitarian mapping has become a global community effort. Due to this large amount of projects it can be difficult to get an overview on mapping activity. This is…
HELIOS++ 1.0.0 Software & Preprint Release
The 3DGeo Research Group is proud to announce the release of their novel ray-tracing based laser scanning simulator HELIOS++! HELIOS++ is a general-purpose simulation software for virtual laser scanning data acquisition. Such data can be used to complement real data in many use cases. Some examples include the generation of training data for machine learning,…
Erstes Handbuch zur Veranstaltung von Mapathons im Deutschen Roten Kreuz
Das Handbuch zur Veranstaltung von Mapathons im Deutschen Roten Kreuz (DRK) ist da! In dem Handbuch wird beschrieben, was bei der Durchführung eines Mapathon zu beachten ist. Es beginnt mit der Frage, was überhaupt ein Mapathon ist und erklärt warum und wie durch die Durchführung von regelmäßigen Mapathons z.B. im Rahmen von Bereitschaftsabenden, wichtige Geodaten…
Updated OSM Healthcare in Senegal (2020)
OpenStreetMap (OSM) offers many possibilities and holds potential in the area of freely available infrastructure data for the health sector. Nevertheless, it is important to underline that the quality of the information is different in each country, since the mapping activity is strongly affected by the size of the community of volunteers. Monetary barriers prevent…
Accessibility to pharmacies in Germany with 15km Covid-19 restriction
Current lockdown regulations in Germany state that – in many but not all federal states – travel in COVID-19 hotspot regions is only allowed up to 15km distance. This has raised concerns since a 15km radius has been perceived by some as a serious constraint especially in rural regions. Clearly, this might prevent visits to…
4D change analysis for improving our understanding of dynamic landscapes
Time series of topographic point clouds offer great possibilities to advance our understanding of dynamic landscapes. To exploit the full information these 4D datasets contain on spatial and temporal properties of natural surface changes, the 3DGeo research group is developing methods for 4D change analysis. These methods are required to answer fundamental questions on the…
LandSense Horizon 2020 A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring, project successful finished
The Horizon 2020 LandSense project was concluded successful. Please find a selection of the produced publications and deliverables here. The project has enabled our group to pursue quality aspects of voluntarily collected geo information data and to ramp up efforts related to OSMlanduse. Together with the University of Nottingham (Giles Foody) and Institut national de l’information…
Accessibility of covid-19 vaccination centers in Germany
Updated based on newly available vaccination center locations at the 14th of January 2021. Vaccination of a sufficiently large share of the population is considered the most important action to fight the spread of SARS-CoV -2 and resulting COVID-19 infections. Germany has started together with the majority of EU member states at the 27th of…
Auto3Dscapes video about research in 4D change analysis
This new video by the 3DGeo group presents the challenges of 3D Earth observation and our advances in 4D change analysis in the frame of the Auto3Dscapes project: Direct link to the video: Many thanks to Claudia Denis and David Jäger for helping to realize the video! We are also very happy about the…
New Jupyter Notebook: Analysis of Access to Health Care using openrouteservice Isochrones API
What is the idea behind the Notebook? In the case of an emergency (e.g. floods, earthquakes, political crisis) it is important to know where the health facilities are located. Furthermore, it is important to identify which cities/districts have a reduced or no access at all to health facilities before an emergency. Many countries still posses…
Use of TanDEM-X and Sentinel products to derive gully activity maps in Kunene Region (Namibia) based on automatic iterative Random Forest approach
Gullies are landforms with specific patterns of shape, topography, hydrology, vegetation, and soil characteristics. Remote sensing products (TanDEM-X, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2) serve as inputs into an iterative algorithm, initialized using a micro-mapping simulation as training data, to map gullies in the northwestern of Namibia. A Random Forest Classifier examines pixels with similar characteristics in a…
Recent changes to OpenStreetMap healthcare infrastructure in India
India accounts for nearly 18% of the worlds population. The country is also one of the main carrier of the worlds disease burden. Despite the general increase in life expectancy and decreasing mortality due to communicable diseases and malnutrition in recent years, the numbers of non-communicable diseases are rising substantially. Cardiovascular diseases such as diabetes and…