Category: Lidar Group
First Arctic Expedition for 3D Earth Observation of Permafrost (Mackenzie Delta, Canada) within our PermaSAR Project
In June 2015 the LiDAR Research Group (LRG), Heidelberg University, performed a joint expedition with the Alfred-Wegener Institute (AWI). This was our first field expedition within the PermaSAR research project, which is funded by the BMWi / German Aerospace Center (DLR) from 2015 to 2018. The project PermaSAR aims at developing a novel method for…
How to find the fastest way out of a dense human crowd using your smartphone?
In our research “Routing in Dense Human Crowds Using Smartphone Movement Data and Optical Aerial Imagery“, we propose a navigation approach for smartphones that enables visitors of major events to avoid crowded areas or narrow streets and to navigate out of dense crowds quickly. Two types of sensor data are integrated. Real-time optical images acquired…
Mon-Shieh Yang successfully completes his PhD
Mon-Shieh Yang successfully defended his PhD thesis at the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) in Taiwan. We cordially congratulate him! Mon-Shieh was member of the Heidelberg GIScience Team for almost one year (until May 2015). He was performing research with the LiDAR Research Group (LRG) where he investigated the derivation of novel LiDAR-based roughness measures…
3D Field Trip to Greece – Exploring 3D GIScience in one of the most exciting geological settings
Our students learned how multiple 3D geodata sensor systems (LiDAR, UAVs, GNSS) can be used to capture and analyze the geomorphology and geology of one of the most exciting geological areas, the Peloponnese in Greece. Together with the geology students from the University of Stavanger more than 30 young researchers explored the area around the…
European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2015: 3D Spatial Data, Analysis, Visualization and Infrastructures in Geosciences – From 3D Point Clouds to Information
The GIScience Group Heidelberg participated actively in the EGU 2015 in Vienna, giving talks of current LiDAR research in the PICO Session “3D Spatial Data, Analysis, Visualization and Infrastructures in Geosciences – From 3D Point Clouds to Information“. Kristina gave a talk on “LiDAR Vegetation Investigation and Signature Analysis System (LVISA)” and presented the LVISA…
Geo-reCAPTCHA: Crowdsourcing large amounts of geographic information from earth observation data
With the Geo-reCAPTCHA we present a new concept for crowdsourcing of vast amounts of geoinformation by micro-mapping tasks. The paper can be downloaded free of charge (until 22 May 2015). In our study we investigated the possibilities and limitations of capturing building footprints via Geo-reCAPTCHA based on remote sensing imagery. We could analyze more than…
How to detect post-harvest growth from terrestrial LiDAR point clouds in precision agriculture? Read the new paper about comparative classification analysis
The new paper “Comparative classification analysis of post-harvest growth detection from terrestrial LiDAR point clouds in precision agriculture” has just been finally released in the ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Citation Koenig, K., Höfle, B., Hämmerle, M., Jarmer, T., Siegmann, B. & Lilienthal, H. (2015): Comparative classification analysis of post-harvest growth detection…
History Scanned in 3D – Jupiter Column of Ladenburg
Within our interdisciplinary collaborative research project MUSIEKE (Multidimensional Perceptibility of Cultural Heritage) the Jupiter Column (“Iupittergigantensäule”) of Ladenburg was scanned in 3D and in very high detail for the first time. Our colleagues from the IWR (FCGL Group of Hubert Mara) performed the measurement campaign. In this report (in German) the SWR 4 radio station…
How to combine OpenStreetMap and Airborne Laser Scanning data for updating Digital Elevation Models?
The answer can be found in our most recent paper “Updating Digital Elevation Models via Change Detection and Fusion of Human and Remote Sensor Data in Urban Environments” that has just been finally released in the International Journal of Digital Earth. You can find a preprint version of the article freely accessible here: Citation…
UNESCO World Heritage Site Lorsch Abbey – Ladenburg Discourses of Daimler and Benz Foundation
Bernhard represented the GIScience discipline in the Ladenburg Discourse of the Daimler and Benz Foundation on the “Digital Model” of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Lorsch Abbey, which took place 13-14 March 2015 in Ladenburg. The Ladenburg discourse was organized by Susanne Krömker from the IWR of the Heidelberg University. The main aim of the…
Annual Meeting 2015 of DGPF: German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation
The GIScience group Heidelberg participated actively in the 2015 Annual Meeting of the DGPF (German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation), which took place 16-18 March 2015 in Cologne. Bernhard hold a keynote lecture on “LiDAR Point Cloud Information and Web Infrastructure for 3D Vegetation Analysis”, which was embedded in a special Workshop on…
Call for Abstracts and Special Sessions – 9th Symposium of the International Society for Digital Earth
We would like to draw your attention to the second call for abstracts and special sessions for the 9th Symposium of the International Society for Digital Earth, October 5-9, in Halifax, Canada. The overarching theme of the symposium is “Towards a One-World Vision for the Blue Planet”. See here for further events (co-)organized by the…