Category: Publications
The emergence and evolution of OpenStreetMap: A cellular automata approach
Collaborative mapping projects, such as OpenStreetMap (OSM), have received tremendous amounts of contributed data from voluntary participants over time. So far, most research efforts deal with data quality issues, but the OSM evolution across space and over time has not been noted. Therefore, a new study is dedicated to the evolution of the contributed information…
About quality assessment for building footprints data in OpenStreetMap
In the past years, several applications of generating 3D buildings from OpenStreetMap (OSM) have been made available, for instance, OSM-3D, OSM2World, etc. In these projects, 3D buildings are reconstructed using the buildings’ footprints and information about their attributes, which are documented as tags in OSM. Therefore, the quality of 3D buildings relies strongly on the…
3D-LiDAR and GIS for Gully Detection in Peru
Cushion peatlands are typical features of the high altitude Andes in South America. Due to the adaptation to difficult environmental conditions, they are very fragile ecosystems and therefore vulnerable to environmental and climate changes. Peatland erosion has severe effects on their ecological functions, such as water storage capacity. Thus, erosion monitoring is highly advisable. Erosion…
LiDAR Research Group @ ISPRS Laser Scanning Workshop 2013
The LiDAR Research Group participates the Laser Scanning 2013 Workshop on Nov, 11-14th in Antalya, Turkey. The workshop brought together experts from different disciplines which are focused on the modeling and application of point cloud data acquired from laser scanners and other active imaging systems, such as range cameras and gaming sensors. All aspects related…
Mapping land-use from OpenStreetMap
An approach toward generating land-use patterns from volunteered geographic information (VGI) without applying remote-sensing techniques and/or engaging official data has just been published in the latest issue of the International Journal of Geographic Information Science. Collaboratively collected OpenStreetMap (OSM) data sets are employed to map land-use patterns. Initially the spatial pattern of the landscape was…
Open Data Opportunities for LBS
The advent of web technologies and the promotion of data sharing practices have fostered open data initiatives. The main motivation of governments in sharing data with the public is to stimulate economic growth by enabling the creation of new products. One of the areas that could benefit from open data initiatives is that of location-based…
Call for Paper: Special Issue “GeoWeb 2.0” of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
The advancement of Internet technology is constantly changing the way geographic information is being collected, managed, processed, analyzed, and used. While a first wave of innovation has transformed Geographic Information Systems into Geographic Information Services, a second paradigm shift has recently been observed. This paradigm deals with crowdsourcing and the collaborative generation of geographic information.…
gis.SCIENCE special issue GEOINFORMATIK 2013
The issue 3/2013 (Vol. 26) of the journal gis.SCIENCE by Wichmann has been published. It contains selected full review paper (e.g. on context-aware 3D geovisualization or on the analysis of tourist activity from Flickr fotos) from the conference GEOINFORMATIK 2013, that was held at Heidelberg University this year. The cover features a screenshot from…
About identifying man-made objects from mobile LiDAR data
A new automated approach for the detection and classification of man-made objects in urban corridors from point clouds acquired by vehicle-borne Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) has recently been suggested by Fan and Yao. The approach is designed based on a-priori knowledge in urban areas: (i) man-made objects feature geometric regularity like vertical planar structures (e.g.…
Road-based travel recommendation using geo-tagged images from social media
Geotagged photos on social media like Flickr explicitly indicate the trajectories of tourists. They can be employed to reveal the tourists’ preference on landmarks and routings of tourism. Most of existing works on routing searches from social media are based on the trajectories of GPS-enabled devices’ users. We attempt to propose a novel approach in…