Category: Publications

  • TV broadcast: Information fusion infrastructure for remote-sensing and in-situ sensor data to model people dynamics

    The German TV station NDR broadcasted a short interview (in German) with Florian Hillen (Univ. Osnabrück) talking about our paper on Information Fusion Infrastructure for Remote Sensing and In-Situ Sensor Data to Model People Dynamics in the International Journal of Image and Data Fusion. Vol. 5(1), pp. 54-69. DOI: 10.1080/19479832.2013.870934, by Hillen, F., Höfle, B.,…

  • Ravenstein-Förderpreis 2014 for automated map labelling

    Two our colleagues, Maxim Rylov and Andreas Reimer have received a Ravenstein Recognition award from the German Cartographic Society. Their work in automation of map lettering has been recognized by jury members as a compelling and relevant topic that is undoubtedly interesting to all who concerns oneself with digital cartography. Their considerable achievements are the…

  • CALL FOR PAPERS: Special Issue “20 Years of OGC: Open Geo-Data, Software, and Standards”

    Dear Colleagues, The year 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). After two decades, OGC standards have become a key enabler of geospatial interoperability, delivering significant societal, economic and scientific benefits by integrating digital location resources into commercial and institutional processes worldwide. Emerging technologies such as cloud computing,…

  • An assessment of a collaborative mapping approach for exploring land use patterns for several European metropolises

    A new research paper entitled “An assessment of a collaborative mapping approach for exploring land use patterns for several European metropolises” has been published in International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. Abstract: Until recently, land surveys and digital interpretation of remotely sensed imagery have been used to generate land use inventories. These techniques however,…

  • Call for Manuscript Proposal Submissions to “Crowdsourced Mapping”: A Special issue to CaGIS

    CALL FOR MANUSCRIPT PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS “Crowdsourced Mapping” To be published as a Special Content Issue of the International Journal “Cartography and Geographic Information Science” (CaGIS) Edited by Dr. Jamal Jokar Arsanjani 1 & Prof. Michael Leitner 2 & Prof. Alexander Zipf 1 1 GIScience Research Group, Department of Geography, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany 2 Department…

  • Analyzing public transport flows from uncertain social media

    The growing number of mobile devices equipped with GPS sensors having broadband internet access, allow users to actively participate and create content through mobile applications and location based services. Whether users are uploading geotagged photos via Flickr or Instagram, checking in at a venue with Foursquare or commenting on a local event via Twitter. These…

  • GIScience at the GIScience

    Last week members of the GIScience Research Group were attending the Eight International Conference on Geographic Information Science in Vienna. Beside the interesting welcome note given by Andrew U. Frank and further follow-up keynote talks, the first conference day was opened up for full day workshops covering various topics of GIScience. Geographic Information Workshop In…

  • A practical algorithm for labelling areal features outside their boundaries

    One of the subtasks of automated map labelling that has received little attention so far is the labelling of areas. Geographic areas often are represented by concave polygons which pose severe limitations on straightforward solutions due to their great variety of shape, a fact worsened by the lack of measures for quantifying feature-label relationships. In…

  • Stenomaps: A new visual encoding for thematic maps

    Administrative regions and attached statistical data are often simply displayed by the contentious choropleth technique. A recent research collaboration between researchers from the Technical University Eindhoven, City University London and the GIScience group at Heidelberg University successfully added a new arrow to the quiver of Geovisualisation techniques: The Stenomap. The stenomap comprises a series of…

  • Approach for Push-Based Result Transmission with Asynchronous Geospatial Processing

    Geospatial analyses are increasingly being conducted in networked environments. In such cases, geographic analyses are carried out by leveraging ressources (including geospatial algorithms) on some remote server. A user might upload some dataset onto a server, triggers some geo-computation and awaits the results. Most of such web-based geo-processing services are implementing the so called “Web…

  • “Transactions in GIS” 2013 Impact Factor increased to 1.000

    The latest Thomson Reuters ISI Journal Citation Report 2014 has just been released and the Impact Factor (IF) for the international journal “Transactions in GIS” (Wiley) edited by John P. Wilson, Qiming Zhou and Alexander Zipf has slightly increased to 1.000 for 2013.

  • Methods to measure potential spatial access to delivery care in low- and middle-income countries

    A case study in rural Ghana Access to skilled attendance at childbirth is crucial to reduce maternal and newborn mortality. Several different measures of geographic access are used concurrently in public health research, with the assumption that sophisticated methods are generally better. Most of the evidence for this assumption comes from methodological comparisons in high-income…