Category: Events
3DGeo licensed drone pilots
During the last weeks, members of the 3DGeo group were found studying for the “Kenntnisnachweisprüfung”, the official examination for drone pilots in Germany. Today, we are proud to announce that all six applicants from our group have passed both the theoretical test as well as a practical exam where they had to show their capability…
Colloquium Talk about Building a baseline of health facility data in OpenStreetMap by M. Herringer
We are happy to invited to the presentation in the GIScience HD colloquium. Everybody interested is invited to join the presentations and the discussion afterwards. Building a baseline of health facility data in OpenStreetMap Markus Herringer,, Amsterdam, NL – Monday, February 10, 2020. 2.15 pm -Lecture Hall (room 015), Im Neuenheimer Feld 348, Institute…
GIScience Contributions to the 2019 State of the Map Academic Track proceedings
Recently the SOTM 2019 Heidelberg Academic Track Proceedings have been published. GIScience Research Group Heidelberg and HeiGIT contributed several talks and posters. Below you can find an overview. Contact us if you are interested in further details on ongoing research. Klonner, Hartmann, Djami, Zipf, A. (2019). “Ohsome” OpenStreetMap Data Evaluation: Fitness of Field Papers for…
ohsome presentation in Malta at the 3rd International Workshop on Spatial Data Quality
Around 55 participants gathered in Malta for the 3rd International Workshop on Spatial Data Quality 2020 from 28th to 29th of January. Among national mapping agencies, software providers and standardization organizations, HeiGIT had the opportunity to present its ohsome – OSM history analytics platform for analyzing spatial data quality by looking at the temporal development…
Today: Talk on the use of geoinformatics at the German Red Cross
We are happy to invited to the presentations in the GIScience HD colloquium today. Everybody interested is invited to join the presentations and the discussion afterwards. The use of geoinformatics at the German Red Cross Katharina Lorenz, DRK e.V. ‑ Generalsekretariat, Berlin – Date: Mon, January 27, 2.15 pm – Place: Lecture Hall (room 015),…
Call for Abstracts for PhD Colloquium on “Methods for analysing spatiotemporal data”
Call for Abstracts: 5th PhD Colloquium on “Methods for analysing spatiotemporal data” 1-2 Oct 2020 in Dortmund, Germany The Division on Geoinformatics (Abteilung Geoinformatik) of the German Geodetic Commission (Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, DGK) and the Working Group on Geoinformatics (Arbeitskreis Geoinformatik) of the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie,…
Invitation to GIScience colloquium talks related to Humanitarian Aid
We are happy to annouce two higly interesting upcomming presentations in the GIScience colloquium in the next weeks. Everybody interested is invited to join the presentations and the discussion afterwards. The use of geoinformatics at the German Red Cross Katharina Lorenz, DRK e.V. ‑ Generalsekretariat, Berlin Mon, January 27, 2.15 pm (Lecture Hall (room 015),…
Recap: Keynote on Smart Cities
Already in October 2019 Prof. Zipf was invited to give a keynote on “User Generated Geoinformation for Smart Cities” at the “Smart Cities, Smart Data, Smart Governance” ISPRS Conference at CEPT University in Ahmedabad (known for the Gandhi-Ashram), where he also participated as speaker in the inaugural session and acted as session chair for a…
Seasons Greetings from GIScience Heidelberg & HeiGIT, have a great New Year 2020
Dear friends and colleagues, we wish you a relaxing and peaceful holiday season and all the very best for a happy and prosperous New Year. The most important event of this turbulent year was for us the founding of HeiGIT gGmbH as nonprofit company. Now we are looking forward to future joint activities in 2020…
2nd International Workshop Point Cloud Processing
From 4-5 December 2019, the 2nd International Workshop Point Cloud Processing was co-organized by euroSDR, the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF) and the Institute for Photogrammetry (ifp) at the University of Stuttgart. The aim of the workshop was to present and discuss the processing and evaluation of point clouds focusing on…
5 Years Missing Maps- Achievements and future work and how to visualize the Missing Maps impact using ohsome
Happy Birthday Missing Maps! On the occasion of the recently launched Missing Maps 5 Years Birthday Blog, that also highlighted our latest Missing Maps related HeiGIT and ohsome projects, we put together an overview of our years with and within the Missing Maps. November 2014 the Missing Maps project was launched by the British and…