Author: Vivien Zahs

  • Methods and algorithms for 3D/4D change analysis and virtual laser scanning

    Curious, which methods on 3D/4D point cloud-based change analysis and virtual laser scanning we are working on, that might also be interesting for your research? Thanks to a redesign of our 3DGeo website you can now quickly get an overview of algorithms and methods, that are acitvely developed in our research and featured in recent…

  • The impact of recent gully filling practices on wheat yield at the Campiña landscape in Southern Spain

    The significance of gully filling practices on agricultural production has been only rarely evaluated in literature. In this study, a medium-sized catchment was selected, for being representative of the conventional farming practices on annual crops in the Campiña landscape in Southern Spain. During two wheat campaigns, an analysis of the spatial and temporal evolution of…

  • LOKI at vEGU 2021 on 26 and 29 April

    Join us and many European researchers from the Earth, planetary and space sciences in the virtual European Geosciences Union (EGU) assembly from 19 to 30 April 2021! Are you interested in innovative methods and concepts applied to natural hazards? Then join our 2-minute talks on research within the LOKI project on Monday, 26 April, and…

  • 4D change analysis for improving our understanding of dynamic landscapes

    Time series of topographic point clouds offer great possibilities to advance our understanding of dynamic landscapes. To exploit the full information these 4D datasets contain on spatial and temporal properties of natural surface changes, the 3DGeo research group is developing methods for 4D change analysis. These methods are required to answer fundamental questions on the…

  • Use of TanDEM-X and Sentinel products to derive gully activity maps in Kunene Region (Namibia) based on automatic iterative Random Forest approach

    Gullies are landforms with specific patterns of shape, topography, hydrology, vegetation, and soil characteristics. Remote sensing products (TanDEM-X, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2) serve as inputs into an iterative algorithm, initialized using a micro-mapping simulation as training data, to map gullies in the northwestern of Namibia. A Random Forest Classifier examines pixels with similar characteristics in a…

  • LOKI – Video on UAV-based damage assessment combining automated methods with Micro-Mapping

    Interested in how earthquake-induced damage to critical infrastructures is assessed in the research project LOKI? Then check out this teaser below! Link to video In the LOKI project (Luftgestützte Observation Kritischer Infrastrukturen; Airborne Assessment of Critical Infrastructures), an interdisciplinary system that enables fast and reliable airborne situation assessments following an earthquake is being developed by…

  • Digital teaching prize awarded by Heidelberg University

    In recognition of the high efforts of lecturers in the past summer semester, the rectorate of Heidelberg University awarded prizes for digital teaching. Two of in total six prizes were awarded to lecturers at the Institute of Geography, which shows the positive recognition of the past semester’s endeavors both from the side of students and…

  • OSM completeness mapping for airborne situation assessment following an earthquake

    As part of the LOKI project (Luftgestützte Observation Kritischer Infrastrukturen), a first test run of a newly launched OpenStreetMap (OSM) completeness mapping project in MapSwipe has been conducted yesterday. The aim of the LOKI project is to develop an interdisciplinary system that enables fast and reliable airborne situation assessments following an earthquake. The system will…

  • Training in Innovative Technologies for Close-range Sensing in Alpine Terrain – 3rd Edition

    The 3rd edition of the international summer school “Close-range Sensing Techniques in Alpine terrain” took place in Obergurgl, Austria, in June 2019. A group of 40 young researchers (mainly PhD students) participated to learn about various sensors, processing techniques, and analysis methods for different topics in high-mountain research. A recently published article reports on results…

  • Hitzebelastung in der Heidelberger Bahnstadt – Interview mit Kathrin Foshag

    Die große Hitzebelastung durch steigende Temperaturen und eine zunehmende Zahl heißer Tage in Städten wird derzeit auch wieder in Heidelberg spürbar. In einem aktuellen Beitrag des SWR betont Dr. Kathrin Foshag die große Bedeutung von städtebaulichen Beschattungsmaßnahmen, um die enorme Hitzebelastung auf öffentlichen Plätzen zu reduzieren. Link zum Beitrag Dr. Kathrin Foshag erforschte in ihrem…

  • Disaggregating surface change mechanisms of a rock glacier

    How can multiple processes related to the deformation of an active rock glacier operating over different timescales be separated from each other? A preprint on the disaggregation of surface change mechanisms of a rock glacier has recently been published on Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions, an interactive open access journal of the European Geosciences Union. It…

  • Transdisciplinary study on climate change adaptation featured in Heidelberg University Newsroom

    No place for climate change: A recent transdisciplinary study on the viability of public spaces in cities under increasing heat was featured in the official Heidelberg University Newsroom (English version here). The study has been conducted by a Heidelberg research team led by Dr. Kathrin Foshag and investigated the heat stress in selected urban squares…