Author: Michael Auer

  • 2021 Volcanic Eruption in La Palma (Spain) continues – Explore the temporal changes of the Lava Field in OpenStreetMap on ohsomeHeX

    On the 19th of September 2021 a volcanic eruption on the Canary Island of La Palma started. Since then the resulting lava field is constantly growing and continues its destructive expansion. According to an article in the spanish newspaper El Pais, after one month of eruptions – till 19th of Oktober 2021- the volcano destroyed…

  • HeiGIT Maps support DKFZ’s Cancer Information Service

    One of HeiGIT‘s goals is the beneficial use of geoinformation for society. To this end we provide a range of different Web services, mostly based on OpenStreetMap (OSM), such as openrouteservice or the OSM history analytics platform In particular we also offer several OSM based map services such as the topographic maps ,…

  • We wish you an ohsome birthday OpenStreetMap! Our gift: the new ohsome2X time-series tool

    #OpenStreetMap is turning 16! Happy Birthday from the HeiGIT team. 16 years of OSM activity has created the most feature rich and global free multi purpose map that the world has ever seen. The ohsome team at HeiGIT has created several tools and technologies to have a closer look into that history of OSM edits…

  • Analysing OSM Completeness of health facilities in Sub-Sahara Africa in ohsomeHeX

    A new map in ohsomeHeX provides an overview of areas in Sub-Sahara Africa where information on health facilities is still missing in OpenStreetMap (OSM). The completeness of OSM is measured by comparing to a reference dataset on public health facilities in Sub-Sahara Africa, which was developed by Maina et al. 2019. Especially in these days,…

  • ohsome presentation in Malta at the 3rd International Workshop on Spatial Data Quality

    Around 55 participants gathered in Malta for the 3rd International Workshop on Spatial Data Quality 2020 from 28th to 29th of January. Among national mapping agencies, software providers and standardization organizations, HeiGIT had the opportunity to present its ohsome – OSM history analytics platform for analyzing spatial data quality by looking at the temporal development…

  • Ohsome Nepal Dashboard supports admin boundary selection

    The Ohsome Nepal Dashboard has new features to enhance its usability and functionality. The user can now easily select administrative areas of interest through a new map interface. Different administrative levels can be selected by zooming in and out and afterwards just clicking or tapping on that specific region. This convenience feature makes it much faster…

  • New HistOSM 2 released

    For all people who are interested in historic features of the OpenStreetMap dataset a complete new worldwide map service has been published. It is extending the original old HistOSM (*) from 2009 considerably. As of October 2016 you can find 638.284 objects that were tagged ‘historic’ all over the world. The range of object…

  • Festakt und Tagung des “Reallabor Urban Office in Heidelberg”

    Am 2. und 3. Juni 2016 feierte das Heidelberger Reallabor “Urban Office – Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung in der Wissensgesellschaft” mit einer Fachtagung das mittlerweile eineinhalbjährige Bestehen dieses experimentellen Wissenschafts- und Projektformates. Es soll Wissenschaft und Praxis näher zusammenbringen, mit dem Ziel gemeinsam an Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Stadt in der Wissensgesellschaft von Morgen zu arbeiten. Das…

  • New Open-Source 3D WebGIS API GIScene.js released

    Easily visualize your 3D data on the web using up-to-date web technologies without additional plug-ins. The GIScene.js framework is easy to use and extendable. Based on the famous Three.js API, it introduces GIS concepts like Layers, Controls, Coordinates, Projections and more. If you are familiar with the web mapping library OpenLayers you will find this…

  • Reallabor/Urban Office TP 4: Workshop zum Wissensspeicher

    Am Dienstag, den 24. November 2015, nimmt das Teilprojekt 4 (Geoinformatik, IFEU) “Wissen schaffen für die Stadt – neue Methoden der Bürgerbeteiligung durch interaktive Stadtplanung im Web 2.0 am Beispiel der Energiewende” an einem Workshop der Stadtwerke teil. Im Rahmen des “IBA_KANDIDAT #033 Zukunfts- und Wissensspeicher Energie und Technik” geht es um die Ausgestaltung des…

  • MayaArch3D Closing Meeting 4th/5th of June 2015 at DAI-KAAK, Bonn

    The MayaArch3D project held its final closing meeting at the German Archaeological Institute in Bonn from the 4th to the 5th of June 2015. Two days of discussions and presentations demonstrated the results of the 3-year BMBF (German Ministry of Education and Research) funded project “MayaArch3D – A Web-based 3D-GIS for the Analysis of the…

  • MayaArch3D: 60-seconds-science-countdown

    The project MayaArch3D presents itself in the “60-seconds-science-countdown” in the context of the “Wissenschaftsjahr 2014” (Year of Sciences 2014) of the german Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The Year of Sciences 2014 is a series of events and projects dealing with impact of the digitisation on our society. Check out the video at: