The 27th International Cartographic Conference (ICC) was held from 23-28th of August in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The conference brought together several hundreds of professors, researchers and students worldwide in three main disciplines of Cartography, GIScience, and Remote Sensing to discuss various research topics ranging from map design, map use, users and usabilities to location based services, web GIS, SDI, standards and semantics as well as remote sensing applied to cartography and others.
Andreas Reimer and Amin Mobasheri from GIScience research group of Heidelberg University actively participated in the conference. Andreas presented three topics with his co-author entitled: “An algebraic notation for Bertin’s semiology with an extension for cartographic usage of the plane“, “A Formal Approach to the Automated Labelling of Groups of Features” and “Taxonomy Validation for Chorematic Diagrams“.
Amin Mobasheri also presented his paper entitled “Web Mapping of Geo-tagged Shipping Information; Case Study: The LLOYDS Lists” which presents the ongoing results of the research being conducted in the LLOYDS lists project. In addition, he presented a poster about “Visualizing Sidewalk Information for People with Limited Mobilities; Cartographic Challenges and Requirements” in order to exchange ideas about methods for visualizing the quality of OpenStreetMap data, related to his work in CAP4Access project.
Amin was one of the five research scholars who received the ICA research scholarship award from the International Cartographic Association in the year 2015.