Earlier this month, the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE) held its 2023 conference, and GIScience and HeiGIT team members contributed presentations, analyses and papers toward this year’s theme of “Spatial data for design.”
At the conference’s host university Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands, the team members contributed work uniting design and geoinformation technology while showcasing use cases including a major earthquake and daily public transport.
First, Simon Groß presented his analysis on an exciting new MapSwipe project type for damage assessment using the 2021 Haiti Earthquake as an example. A summary of that paper and its promising results can be found here.
Additionally, Nir Fulman presented results from an analysis on non-routine trips using public transport in Israel based on smartcard transactions. The paper’s findings unveil surprising and useful information about ridership on non-routine trips, which comprise a large proportion of overall transport use but are often overlooked in favor of studying the habits of commuters. Dr. Fulman has contributed to the AGILE conference in the past and returned this year to discuss his work in AGILE’s innovative environment.
Overall, the team enjoyed fascinating and instructive days of scientific collaboration and look forward to future contributions to this important and growing topic.
You can read the papers here: