As we’ve announced it in a previous post, the Open Source release 1.0 of the ohsome API has finally arrived. As a reminder, or for those of you that hear “ohsome” for the first time, the aim of the ohsome OpenStreetMap History Data Analytics Platform is to make OpenStreetMap’s full-history data more easily accessible for various kinds of OSM data analytics tasks, such as data quality analysis, on a global scale. The ohsome API is one of its components, providing free and easy access to some of the functionalities of the ohsome platform via HTTP requests.
This step of making the first major release of the ohsome API marks the achievement of a thoroughly planned and long awaited milestone and brings a bunch of fixes, together with new features. As this would be too much to describe in one blog post, we will publish further posts in the next days explaining the new filter parameter, as well as the enlarged documentation of the API. If you’re already curious and want to try it out yourself, check out the links behind the aforementioned features, so you could directly go for it and fire requests onto our global 1.0 instance using this new knowledge. Stay tuned for more upcoming ohsome blog posts!
p.s.: To give you some ideas, here is a selection of past blog posts that show potential use cases of our API:
- ohsome general idea
- ohsome general architecture
- farm shops are ohsome
- Exploring OSM history: the example of health related amenities
- ohsome lab at FOSS4G Bucharest 2019
- and of course the whole “how to become ohsome” tutorials series
- Mapping Rohingya Refugee Camps in Bangladesh – An Analysis Using the OSHDB API

Raifer, M, Troilo, R, Kowatsch, F, Auer, M, Loos, L, Marx, S, Przybill, K, Fendrich, S, Mocnik, FB & Zipf, A (2019): OSHDB: a framework for spatio-temporal analysis of OpenStreetMap history data. Open Geospatial Data, Software and Standards,
Auer, M.; Eckle, M.; Fendrich, S.; Griesbaum, L.; Kowatsch, F.; Marx, S.; Raifer, M.; Schott, M.; Troilo, R.; Zipf, A. (2018): Towards Using the Potential of OpenStreetMap History for Disaster Activation Monitoring. ISCRAM 2018. Rochester. NY.
Grinberger, A. Y. ; Schott, M. ; Raifer, M ; Troilo, R. ; Zipf, A. (2019): The institutional contexts of volunteered geographic information production: a quantitative exploration of OpenStreetMap data. Proceedings of the GeoCultGIS – Geographic and Cultural Aspects of Geo-Information: Issues and Solutions, Limassol (Cyprus).
Ludwig, C. ; Zipf, A. (2019): Exploring regional differences in the representation of urban green spaces in OpenStreetMap. Proceedings of the GeoCultGIS – Geographic and Cultural Aspects of Geo-Information: Issues and Solutions, Limassol (Cyprus).