New visiting Professor Vivian de Oliveira Fernandes from Brasil at GIScience HD

We are happy to welcome Prof. Dr. Vivian de Oliveira Fernandes from Brasil to join the GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University for the next months during her sabbatical as a visiting professor.
Vivian is Associate Professor at the Department of Transport and Geodesy Engineering and Permanent Member of the Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering (PPEC) in the area of Spatial Information and the Professional Master in the National Network in Water Resources Management and Regulation at the University Federal of Bahia (UFBA) in Brasil. She is leader of the Research Group on Spatial Data Analysis and Representation at CNP.
Her background is a Cartographer Engineer from the Federal University of Paraná and she has a PhD in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) with a sandwich period at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Germany.
Her expertise in mapping is mainly focussed on the following subjects: Acquisition, processing and representation of geospatial data and integration of collaborative data such as OpenStreetMap to reference mapping.

Welcome to Heidelberg and we are looking forward to a fruitful exchange and cooperation!
Vivian de Oliveira Fernandes, Dr.
Associate Professor -Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) – Polytechnic School
Department of Transport Engineering and Geodesy –
Geospatial Information Research Group– Salvador, BA – Brazil


