Month: January 2019

  • Micro-Mapping für KI: Exponat auf der MS Wissenschaft

    Auch dieses Jahr geht das Ausstellungsschiff MS Wissenschaft auf Tour. Im Fokus steht das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz (KI). Mit an Bord das Exponat „Micro-Mapping“, das wir am HeiGIT in Kooperation mit dem Alfred-Wegener-Institut erstellen. Unser Exponat stellt die Bedeutung des Menschen, besser gesagt: einer Menschenmenge („Crowd“), bei der Entwicklung von KI in den Vordergrund. Es…

  • Visualizing 3D Spatial Data with GigaMesh – Tutorial Videos

    A series of video tutorials of GigaMesh has recently become available on YouTube. GigaMesh is a software framework for displaying, processing and visualizing large meshes of 3D spatial data representing 2D surfaces. The most recent tutorial by Paul Bayer and Hubert Mara presents a rapid method of hillshading for a geospatial dataset. The video shows…

  • Machine Learning for Space and Earth Observation Data (ML-SEOD) 2019 at ICCSA

    Machine Learning for Space and Earth Observation Data (ML-SEOD) 2019 Call for Papers The Earth and Space environments are being monitored by an unprecedented amount of sensors: Earth observation satellites, sensor networks, telescopes working in different wavelengths, human records of Earth and Space events, etc. This generates a huge amount of raw data that must…

  • Solve routing optimization with VROOM + openrouteservice

    In a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP, an example is the Traveling Salesman Problem), we are concerned with finding optimal routes for a fleet of vehicles having to reach given destinations, e.g., in order to deliver goods to customers. Due to its high computational complexity, this task requires dedicated VRP solvers, such as VROOM. In collaboration with…

  • Reminder: VGI ALIVE Special Issue of ISPRS IJGI extended to 15 March 2019

    we want to remind you about the extended submission deadline (15 March 2019) for the Special Issue “Volunteered Geographic Information: Analysis, Integration, Vision, Engagement (VGI-ALIVE)”of the ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI) The steady rise of data volume shared on already-established and new Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and social media platforms calls for advanced analysis…

  • Call for Abstracts for PhD Colloquium on Deep Learning in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geospatial Information Processing

    Call for Abstracts: 4th PhD Colloquium on “Deep Learning in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geospatial Information Processing” May 15-16, 2019 in Rostock The Division on Geoinformatics (Abteilung Geoinformatik) of the German Geodetic Commission (Deutsche Geodätische Kommission, DGK) and the Working Group on Geoinformatics (Arbeitskreis Geoinformatik) of the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation…

  • How to become ohsome part 2: Comparing different regions based on their attributive completeness of OSM data

    Welcome back to the second part of the blog series how to become ohsome. If you have not read the first part yet, better go and check it out now. It explains how you can create an ohsome visualization of the historical development of the OSM data from a city of your choice. This second part shows how to…

  • STAP19 Compact Course and Workshop in April – Registration Open

    From 01-04 April 2019, the 3DGeo and FCGL research groups are organizing a compact course and workshop on Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Geographic Phenomena (STAP19) at the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR, Heidelberg University). The course will teach participants state-of-the-art methods of 3D spatial data processing and analysis with a focus on spatial…

  • CFP: AGILE workshop “GeoCultGIS – GEOgraphical and CULTural aspects of Geo-data: Issues and Solutions”

    Our workshop “GeoCultGIS – GEOgraphical and CULTural aspects of Geo-data: Issues and Solutions” has been accepted for the 22nd AGILE Conference on Geo-information Science, the annual conference of the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE). The event will be held in Limassol, Cyprus on 17-20 June, 2019. Workshop theme: While some geo-datasets offer…

  • Blindspots in ecosystem service research

    Ecosystem service research is high on the policy agenda. Strategies to synthesize individual success stories and derive generalized results to provide guidance for policymakers and stakeholder is central to many science-policy initiatives, such as IPBES, ELD, WAVES and TEEB. However, to successfully transfer knowledge from ES case studies to environmental policies, it is necessary to…

  • Colloquium invitation: Supporting the most vulnerable people before the disaster strikes – International Disaster Risk Reduction within the German Red Cross

    The GIScience group cordially invites everybody interested to our next open GIScience colloquium talk about: Supporting the most vulnerable people before the disaster strikes – International Disaster Risk Reduction within the German Red Cross Speakers are Stefanie Lux and Stefan Scholz from the German Red Cross (GRC, Generalsekretariat Berlin, International Coordination). Monday 21.01.2019, 14:15 pm Institute…

  • Interested in sponsoring the State of the Map conference 2019?

    State of the Map 2019 conference will be held in Heidelberg, September 21-23 2019. Interested in sponsoring? Want to help build bridges through scholarships? Sponsorship packages are available at