Month: January 2019
CfP: Transactions in GIS special issue on “Open Source Geospatial Science, Software and Education”
Special issue information: The last decade has seen a rapid growth in open source geospatial software and data developments. Open geospatial data applies the principles of free and openness to geospatial information, allowing communities to collaborate on a data product. Applying the lessons learned in the open source industry to geo-data collection and maintenance has…
Road access restriction information in openrouteservice
The new year started in the openrouteservice team at HeiGIT with the release of openrouteservice 4.7.2. In this release there were a number of bug fixes, but also some new features. The main one of these is the inclusion of information about access restrictions when your route takes you over roads that are marked in…
State of the Map 2019: Website is online now
State of the Map is the annual event for all mappers and OpenStreetMap users. Enjoy three days in Heidelberg with talks, discussions, workshops, code and documentation sprints all around the free and open map of the world. Subscribe to the newsletter to get updates in time for early bird tickets, session proposals, scholarships and more.
Erreichbarkeitsanalyse von Haltestellen des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs in Stuttgart per Openrouteservice
In einer aktuellen Publikation der Stadt Stuttgart wird die Erreichbarkeit von Haltestellen des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs in Stuttgart untersucht. Für die Berechnung der Isochronen wurde das kostenfrei nutzbare QGIS-Plugin OSM Tools verwendet. Dieses nutzt den seit 2008 verfügbaren Openrouteservice des Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT). Das Toolset umfasst Routing, Geocoding, Isochronen und Matrixberechnungen, entweder interaktiv im…
The potential of OSM for landuse, health and humanitarian applications
Recently, Michael Schulz from GIScience Heidelberg gave a talk at the colloquium of Prof. Carl Baierkuhnlein at the University of Bayreuth. During his talk he presented the results on OpenStreetMap usage targeting humanitarian applications, healthy and green routing based on openrouteservice and ecological analysis or the global climate protection map. OSM is harnessed for an abundance…