GIScience Research Group support for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team Fundraising Campaign

One main focus of the GIScience Research Group is the research and education with respect to advancing methods, technologies and applications of Volunteered Geographic Information – in particular OpenStreetMap – for applications from logistics to humanitarian aid. In this vein, the group has been also been supporting the work of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT) team for several years with OSM and disaster related research and applications as well as by organizing mapping events.

These activities also led to the launch of the disastermappers heidelberg which are organizing mapping events, webinars and workshops in close relationship with the HOT team to enable students and researchers to learn more about OpenStreetMap, possible applications of the OSM data and the work of HOT.

The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team coordinates an international mapping community with which they map the vulnerable and disaster prone places in our world. Moreover, it supports local mapping communities to enable local development and disaster preparedness. The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team and the international contributors thereby fill gaps in the worldwide OpenStreetMap and create a valuable data treasure.

Building on these previous activities, the GIScience and disastermappers are happy to now support the yearly fundraising campaign of the HOT team. The focus hereby being on micro-grants which will allow to spark and support international local HOT/ OSM community-led projects. Thereby more communities and volunteers will have the chance to become part of this community and benefit of the OSM data for their local needs.

Sounds interesting? If you want to learn more about the campaign and how to support, please visit:

or join us in todays HOT Christmas Mapping Event, starting at 6 pm in the Geographical Institute!

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