Tag: Fundraising

  • GIScience/HeiGIT support to #Mapthedifference

    GIScience/HeiGIT and disastermappers heidelberg have been proud supporters of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) for a couple of years already. Our GIScience/HeiGIT Team is contributing OSM related research, applications and services. The disastermappers furthermore organize mapathons, workshops and webinars, and thereby help to extend the mapping community and raise awareness about OpenStreetMap (OSM), possible applications…

  • GIScience Research Group support for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team Fundraising Campaign

    One main focus of the GIScience Research Group is the research and education with respect to advancing methods, technologies and applications of Volunteered Geographic Information – in particular OpenStreetMap – for applications from logistics to humanitarian aid. In this vein, the group has been also been supporting the work of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (HOT) team…