We cordially invite any interested person to another public talk in our GIScience colloquium series this monday. The topic is:
Flood risk assessment at the future Mexico City International Airport
Dr. Carolina Ramírez-Núñez / visiting scientist GIScience Heidelberg,
CONACYT, National Council of Science + Technology, Mexico
Date: Mon, June 6, 2016, 14:15 pm,
Location: Heidelberg University, Inst. of Geography, INF 348, Lecture Hall (Room 015)
The former Texcoco Lake area at the east of Mexico City corresponds to a large plain of saline-clayey soils in a sinking process. This area corresponds to a bird conservation region and also to a hydrological regulation zone for pluvial and residual waters preventing catastrophic floods in the city. Nevertheless, the construction of a new international airport at this former lake area was approved. In this case, a flood simulation at the former Texcoco Lake area was performed. The simulation of a progressive filling of the endorheic basin shows that both the International Airport of Mexico City and the area of the future international airport are the starting points of severe floods and that this process can affect the hydraulic system of the city because the buffer area will be invaded and subsidence is a continuous process.