Flood risk assessment at the future Mexico City International Airport – GIScience Colloquium presentation today

We cordially invite any interested person to another public talk in our GIScience colloquium series this monday. The topic is:

Flood risk assessment at the future Mexico City International Airport

Dr. Carolina Ramírez-Núñez / visiting scientist GIScience Heidelberg,
CONACYT, National Council of Science + Technology, Mexico
Date: Mon, June 6, 2016, 14:15 pm,
Location: Heidelberg University, Inst. of Geography, INF 348, Lecture Hall (Room 015)

The former Texcoco Lake area at the east of Mexico City corresponds to a large plain of saline-clayey soils in a sinking process. This area corresponds to a bird conservation region and also to a hydrological regulation zone for pluvial and resi­dual waters preventing catastrophic floods in the city. Nevertheless, the con­struction of a new international airport at this former lake area was approved. In this ca­se, a flood simulation at the former Texcoco Lake area was performed. The simulation of a progressive filling of the endorheic basin shows that both the International Airport of Mexico City and the area of the future international airport are the star­ting points of severe floods and that this process can affect the hydraulic system of the city because the buffer area will be invaded and subsidence is a continuous process.



